1 Month Later

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About a month later things are going good. Me and Regan have moved into our house, Regans got a job as a veterinarian, Austin is..... well he's Austin. Anthony and I are going steady. We've had couple of fights here and there, but we've been able to work through them. No bad fights just us getting frustrated and taking it out on each other.

Me, Regan, and Austin are currently getting ready to go get my parent from the airport. They are coming down to visit me, meet Anthony, and maybe see a couple of Cubs Games. I hear the front door open, and I don't even have to look to know that it's Anthony. I'm currently doing some work on my laptop when I feel arms wrap around my waist, and someone lay their head on top of mine.

"Good Morning to you too! Didn't expect you to be up at 4:30am" I question Anthony

"Hey! It's never to early to see you my dear! Also, I may or may not have been up all night worrying about meeting your parents"Anthony reply truthfully

I turn in his arms, "Oh hun! You don't have to worry about them. I guarantee that they are going to love you, but if they don't it doesn't matter. Because I do, and they will support me in that"

I feel him relax, "You're right, you're right."

He lets go of me, and goes into the kitchen to raid my refrigerator. I then hear him yell, "Hey! Where are Regan and Austin?"

"Austin's taking a shower, and Regan is asleep on the couch"I yell back

He nods as he walks back over to me, and sits next to me. "So whatcha doing?" Anthony asks looking over my shoulder

"I'm sending the pictures from the game yesterday to the media team"I answer

"Cool" he says losing interest

"I know, I know. This is the boring part of my job" I say sarcastically

"True, but anything with you is fun" Anthony trying to make up for his blunder

I laugh, "it's fine! I don't find it very fun either, but I have to do it"

He sighs in relief, "When do we have to get your parents?"

I look at my watch, "We don't have to leave for another 30 minuets cause their flight gets here at 6:30"

He nods, "Okay! After we get your parents are we gonna get breakfast?"

I laugh seeing where this is going, "Yes,Anthony! We are gonna eat after we get my parents"

"Oh thank god!" Anthony sighs in relief

He then gets a serious look on his face, "Have you taken you medicine"

I roll my eyes, "Yes, Anthony. Otherwise, I would be in extreme pain right now"

He hold up his hands in surrender, "Okay, Okay! Just checking"

Austin enters the room wearing a black pikachu shirt, jeans, and a grey pair of adidas.

Austin enters the room wearing a black pikachu shirt, jeans, and a grey pair of adidas

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