Victory Parade

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For me, the plane ride to Chicago could have gone faster. I was sleeping with my head against the window when my legs begin to tingle painfully. I open my eyes and massage my thighs a little thinking that would release some of the pain, but it doesn't. I look across the aisle at Anthony, who's asleep with Kristopher in his carrier next to him. "Anthony, " I whisper softly.

He cracks an eye open, "Hmmm?"

I wince as pain shoot down my leg, "Do you have my MS medicine? Did I even bring it?"

He completely wakes up at this, "I don't know. Let me look."

He gets up and pulls both his and my carry-on out of the overhead. He looks through mine before putting back up in the overhead. He moves onto his own carry-on and pulls out a box.

He pulls a needle out of the box, and carefully hands it to me, "Here. In your abdomen."

I nod tiredly as I pull up my shirt to stick the needle into the muscle above my hip. I hand him the needle back, and he disposes of it somehow. He returns and I raise an eyebrow, "Why was my medicine in your bag?"

He shrugs, "I always keep one with me in case you need it."

I smile, "You're such a sweet fiancé."

He winks, "I try."

I shake my head, "No trying about it. How's Kris?"

Anthony sits back down next to Kris, "Still breathing. Looks happy. Wonder what he's dreaming about?"

I chuckle, "That's a good question. Gemma looks happy over here too."

I smile softly when Gemma yawn in her sleep. I run the back of my finger over her soft cheeks. I look back up at Anthony, who's looking at Kris in awe. "Thank you, " I whisper."

Anthony cocks his head, "For what?"

I close my eyes, "For being you. For giving me a family. A home. Showing me that there's something worth going through immense pain for."

I can practically feel him smile, "No. Thank you for being a literal beacon of light and hope. That's all you. I could never take credit for what came from you."

I smile as I drift back off to a somewhat painless sleep.
My parents, who had taken an earlier flight back to Chicago, agreed to watch the twins during the parade. Which is why I'm currently running around with the photography staff getting cameras set up on the buses. Also, I help out with some of the broadcasts that are going on on the field.

I take a break to catch my breath, and not have an asthma attack when Kris walks up to me with a Cubs-themed WWE belt around his waist. I almost bust out laughing, "What the hell is that?"

He shrugs, "I've always had this."

I shake my head, "Is that the belt that the WWE gave Y'all as congrats on the world series victory?"

He sighs, "Yeah. I kinda stole it out of the locker room. It's only fair. Anthony got the ball."

I wink, "I won't tell."

He laughs, "Thanks."

He's taken away for an interview, and I sit on the grass with Wrigley. I lay down, out of breath. I knew this was gonna happen eventually. Mikki said that I would probably have a pretty bad relapse cause they had laid dormant for nine months. I really don't want to have an asthma attack though because I may or may not have left it in the hotel in Cleveland.

I don't realize that I've closed my eyes until someone pats my knee. I crack an eye open to see the brown eyes of my fiancé leaning over me. He smirks, "Sleeping on the job?"

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