Happy Anniversary

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Anthony pouts on our way to my nine week ultrasound, "Why did there have to be a game on our anniversary?"

I chuckle, "Because you didn't get to schedule the games." I glance at him before turning back to the road, "I really don't mind, Tony. As long as I get to spend time with you, I don't care where we spend our anniversary."

I see him smile out of the corner of my eye, "Are we crazy?"

I shrug, "I don't know. I think we've just accepted that our lives aren't normal, and we're not gonna change that. So, we just go where life take us, and enjoy the ride."

I hear him chuckle, "I swear you are the most amazing woman on earth."

I shake my head, "I highly doubt that, but I'll take your word for it."

I hear him shift in his seat, "I'm serious."

I pull into the parking space, and I press the stop button for the engine, "I know, Anthony. You'll forgive me if I, with all my insecurities, find that somewhat hard to believe."

He sighs, "Samantha."

I give him a knowing look, "I know. To you all my flaws make me perfect because you look past them."

I point to the hospital, "Now, then can we go?"

He nods happily, "Yes. We can."

I get out of the car, and I stretch my hip a little. It's been hurting recently. I open the back door, and Wrigley jumps out. I grab his leash, and I allow Anthony to lead us to the hospital lobby. I sit down, and I fill out all the papers. Anthony shifts a lot next to me. I chuckle, "Nervous?"

He sighs, "Yeah. Especially considering I wasn't there for the first one."

I give him a sad smile, "Still sorry about that."

He waves me off as he takes a glance at the paper, "Hip pain?"

I roll my eyes, "Hun, I'm pregnant. Hip pain isn't that much of a surprise. Besides one of my hips is fake remember?"

He raises an eyebrow, but drops the subject. I continue to fill out the paper work, and when I'm done I hand it to Anthony to give it to the nurse.

"Maddux!"I hear a female yell.

I look up to see a random nurse. I slowly stand up,  grab Wrigley's leash, and I follow the nurse to a empty exam room. I climb up onto the table, and Wrigley lays down under the seat that Anthony is sitting in. The nurse takes my blood silently, and then hands me a cup. I take it out of her hands, and I pout at Anthony on the way to the ensuite bathroom.
Mikki walks in with her clipboard, "You're HCG levels are about to peak, and then decrease."

I nod, "I know how pregnancy works, you know."

She holds up a hand, "It's my job to tell you."

I turn to Anthony with a skeptical look, and I blush lightly when I see a very familiar vlogging camera. Haven't used that in awhile. I turn back to Mikki, and I rub my hands together,"You know what I'm here for."

She rolls her eyes, "In a minute. I wanna talk to you about the hip pain."

I sigh, "It happens when I stand up too fast, and it's only on my right side. Oh, and it only lasts for a few seconds."

She nods as she writes that down. She gestures for me to lie down, which I do, and she lightly palpitates my lower right abdomen, down to my hip. I wince slightly when she presses on my hip, and she nods, "Dr.McCann will check on the sonogram, but I think it's just round ligament pain. It usually happens later on, but with you being a former athlete your stomach muscles and ligaments are more compact. Plus the...um... obvious."

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