Rant about a kids show and im sad and bored

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Why am i sad nobody is reading this why am i bored well every time i am writing here im bored

I keep getting side tracked with a show my youngest sister is watching its called Story Bots annd its talking about space. Its like a terrible animated version of Elmo but with robots. At the moment the robots are trying to figure out why they cant see Earth through a telescope and there are 5 and 6 year olds trying to explain that they live on planet Earth.....they are some dumb robots while there are kids on there who look 4 and can name all the planets in order. Welp if robots take over those robots are going to not going to survive.

Im done with this show and aparently so is my sister, one of the robots were doing something dumb and she said "seriously Bo, seriously," AND SHE'S 4 (Bo is one of the robots name)

Seriously the robots asked kids how many bones were in a human's body almost all of them said dumb numbers like 4,1,38, then all of a sudden BAM a kid guessed 206 i swear he was 5 and he either guessed or knew the CORRECT FREAKING ANSWER Im done

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