This book has become too depressing have a fun chapter!!

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So I'm currently in school and am in history, My teacher is hilarious. We are learning about the French Revolution and we are on the revolutionary phases. It was a dark time then and at the moment we are speaking about how long your brain works after it is taken of, in a lot of details. Yes he is old and probably a little senile but, he is pretty cool.

Hmmmm trying to think of random things I can say but I'm at a loss of thought. Usually I cant stop thinking but right now i cant think at all.

Oh! Oh! Oh! I know what I can tell you about! I have about 3 and a half weeks till I get to go to Disney World for the second time! And I already have an opurtunity to go next year!

Good tips from puppy for puppy and whoever else- DO NOT STAY UP LATE AT NIGHT READING A BOOK YOU HAD TO FORCE YOUSELF TO READ.

Yeah i did that^^^^ last night, I am super tired now, and I have swim tonight so no going to bed early. And I might have to get up at 5 am to go and lift weights for swim also. Oh well just gonna overwork myself.

DANGGIT I went depressing again, you know I wish I had someone here to slap me if I did that on a non-depressing update, oh well.

That is it for today BYEEEEEE!!!!!

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