Cant sleep...Can you guess why!?

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If you read my last update you probably can. But I feel like a horrible person, I should have never have broke up with him. Also its one of my BEST FRIEND' brother. I dont know what she will think of me, and because I crushed Liam when I did break up with him, so idk if he will want me back. I miss being in his arms, I miss the joy he brings me. I want him to be my first kiss. I feel like im about to be sick. Ive given up on my other crush cause he is gay and im female so...yeah. But Liam isnt, and he makes me feel special, I feel like an idiot for breaking up with him, but I dont want things to get awkward between me and Katie if she finds out....I need help. I feel like crying, screaming, punching something................. I miss him so, so, so much, and Im sorry Katie, but its true.....

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