Feeling Lonely

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Ive been feeling like something, no no no scratch that Someone, is missing in my life. I might be surrounded by people, I might be able to talk to, but idk its just not the same. I love all my friends, they are all super supportive but, idk. It might be my depression acting up right now, but I'm just feeling real lonely. If any of my friends read this pls just comment, dont come to me at school to comfort me, it'll just make things worse. Ive gotten desperate, I dont want to be desperate. I dont know where I'm going with this anymore, I'm rambling now. It's all just dragging on. I need a change in my life, it feels like the days are just repeating, nobody new, nothing new. Same classes everyday, same thing done on the weekends, same thing done after school. I try to change it but I cant, I wish i was 18 I wish I had a car, but no I'm only 16, and still in school. I try to change up my routines, do something different every morning, but it doesn't seem to work. If i join a sport, I'm just gonna get used to going to practice, and then thats gonna become my daily routine. I dont know what to do, I'm tired depressed feeling lonely, ugh, why do I have to be like this?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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