I just want to end it.

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I cant go on like this, my self esteem gets lower everyday. My anxiety gets worse and I've fallen deeper into depression than i ever did. I want help but i dont know how to tell my parents, I'm scared they will say its all an act to get out of things I dont want to do. My mom really doesn't help either. When I want to wear something that shows stuff off but I feel confident in she tells me to cover up. She wants me to be in swim so Maybe I can "be more fit", she says its good for my body but is it good for my mind to shoot me down like that? I'm currently in the worst anxiety attack i have ever had, and cant sleep. I needed a distraction but since my phone was taken away the only way I can distract myself is by writing. I dont know what else to write so I'm just writing to keep myself distracted from my emotions right now.

I...I...I just want to end it all get it over with. My friends might hate me for saying this but its the truth, and i hate liers, so I am telling the truth. I'm only exhausted anymore, I dont want to get out of bed in the morning, I am enjoying things less and less.........I have asked myself this many times before, but, Why Me? What have I done to deserve this? I dont remember doing anything wrong, i dont remember doing horrible things, I want others to be happy, I want to help others so they have food water shelter. I want to help.......but.......how can i help when I need help?

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