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"Guys I'm hearing all this chatter did you just take out a bank?" Mia's voice sounds through the walkie jolting me out of my thoughts. I start to die laughing, how the actual feck did they manage that??" I wait in the police car in an alley way listening to my spotify. Shakira is on and despite the serious situation I am singing along and dancing. That soon stops when Brian and Dom zoom past dragging the safe along behind them. I change the song to a Gives you hell before putting her in drive and racing out behind them joining the line of police cars chasing my friends. I pull up behind one of the cars before jerking the steering wheel and spinning their car out causing them to crash into a nearby parked car. "Well geez I guess I was wrong about how far this cops will go for a pay cheque. The pay must be awfully great for this kind of a fuss. I might swap sides." I speak over the walkie, joking. I continue to take out the police cars chasing the boys. "All clear for now boys, see you at the next check point." I pull my handbrake doing a j turn and turn down another alley heading towards the bridge that goes out of town over the water. "Thanks Mal sta..." "Yeah yeah sure B just try not to take out any more banks." Dom's deep chuckle comes through, "yeah yeah we'll try M."

Everything seems to be running smoothly enough for us hauling a huge ass vault out of the city by two cars being chased by corrupt cops and a drug lord. The switch has been made under the bridge. They still have a lot of guys on their asses though which is apart of the plan but also quite worrying. "How's your six looking boys?" "It's not good lets leave it at that." Brian snaps slightly. "Keep up the good work I'm working on thinning the crowd a little." I use the police scanner to locate them and chase off to get behind them. Once behind the mass of cop cars and two black SUVs. I drive in front one of them, open the driver side door and take my foot of the gas allowing the car to take off my door. As I draw shoulder to shoulder with the cop I shoot at him without the intention of killing him. Soon he is out of the chase.

I continue to try and thin the herd until one of the cop cars ram me into the opposite lane before the concrete barrier comes up out of the ground to divide the two lanes. Sh1t. I speed up avoiding oncoming cars until I'm side by side with Dom and Brian. "On your left boys." I speak causing them to look over. "Apparently they don't like to play nice with girls, whatcha need?" Assessing the situation there's not an awful amount that I can do, "Go on." Dom speaks causing my eyes to stare into his . A sound of a car horn wakes me out of my momentary trance, to see a car narrowly avoiding me. "Don't do anything stupid guys. I'll see you in a bit." I speed up making my way back to the warehouse.

Music blaring I pull in at the end of the bridge, hearing what Dom was proposing. " Hey Dom remember like a minute ago I said don't do anything stupid? Yeah well this isn't stupid it's idiotic. We've got what we wanted, don't be a martyr for no reason." "Son of a witch." I flip the car into gear and take of down the bridge, speed well exceeding the speed limits. I pull up next to Brian who's kicking the side of his car watching helplessly as Dom speeds towards the armada of cars. "He planted a release switch on the cables. Broke off the clasp, what the hell is he doing?" Brian curses as I hop out beside him. I grab the walkie of my waist and speak into it. "Dom I get it ok? I know he was your friend, your family and you feel its your fault for his death man. But it's not he died fighting to protect his family after they gave him another chance after he last screwed them over. Dom come on man he wouldn't want you to be chucking your life away like this. We'll get him another way just come one man be smart about this." I plead to the stubborn mule of a man who had captured my interest. He didn't stop, he put his foot down even more.

The vault flips over the barrier and then back over hitting the SUV that was firing at him. The safe goes down too, Dom frantically jumps out of the car so he's not pulled into the water too. I look at Brian before hoping in his car as he gets the same idea as I do and takes off down towards the wreck. As we pull up Dom slowly raises from the ground groaning in pain. One of the henchmen get out of the car and raises a gun at Dom. I lean out the window and shoot a succession of shots ring out as Brian and I both let off a round of shots into him. "I thought I told you to go on?" Dom speaks not even acknowledging the fact he could have died. "I think a thanks is in order for saving your life more like."

Hobbs pulls up as Reyes falls out of the wreck that is his car. Instead of helping him or arresting him Hobbs shoots two rounds into him. "That's for my team you son of a witch. This is a hell of a mess." We all tense as he draws close with the female cop. "Yeah I know it is." There's a short pause, "You know I can't let you go. I ain't made that way. The way I see it though you've earned yourselves 24 hours. The money stays though. After those 24 hours I'll hunt you all down every last one of you." I walk away and get into the back of Brian's car.

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