Chapter 13: Believe

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"You're getting close to it," Sam tells us.

"Any word on what we'll find?" Louise asks. We've been running for a while now, and the closer we get to this lead, the more anxious I become. This is either a total flop or another clue that could lead us forward. I've been too scared to ask too many questions, but Louise has more courage than I do and is finally speaking up now that we're getting closer to our destination.

"All a bit unclear. That Comansys documentary suggested they had some tech that could motivate people to stay away from that area even back in the 70's. We know they made the repelling device that's keeping the children's dorms safe from the zoms. So, we're chasing up every rumor of someone who reckons they can keep zombies away."

"And this is one of those rumors?" I guess, slowing down so I can pick up a blue colored pencil that's hidden in the dying grass. Milo will like that; He said he's been running out of colored pencils, but I haven't had the time to go on an entertainment run to go get anymore of them. Louise shakes her head at me, but I ignore her and place the pencil in my backpack.

"Yeah. Now this one's..." He murmurs something under his breath and I can hear papers shuffling. A smile tugs at my lips. "Oh, yeah. There were a couple of travelers last month who said some creepy people around the abandoned sawmill said they could repel zombies."

"So me and Five could be going after a bunch of people who reckon they can keep zombies away with their BO?" Louise deadpans.

"What kind of creepy?" I question. "Creepy as in 'that one uncle who your parents never leave you alone with' creepy, or 'Child standing in the corner with a knife while watching his parents sleep' creepy?"

"Okay, we're going to have a talk about your family when you get back," He says. "And to answer your question, Louise, yeah. Or it could be by really boring conversations."

I roll my eyes. "Haha. You're hilarious."

"Well, they might keep them away by shooting anyone who comes near-human or zom," Louise says seriously, and I let out a small noise of worry. That was something I was worried about before we left Abel. Whenever we're meeting people we don't know too much about, we have to be careful, and cautious.

I've already met enough people who acted friendly but had less than kind intentions: Ephraim, that one cannibal guy that had a Greek accent...


I shake my head. No. I am not going back to that again. He's dead. There's no need to waste my brain cells on someone who never cared about me or Abel in the first place.

"We have to check it out," Sam insists. "If they've got one of those devices, then-"

"They might know more about the people who took Maxi." She nods solemnly. "Yeah, gotta check, even if it's probably nothing."

"Still could be dangerous. Keep your eyes peeled."

A sudden, loud screech erupts into the air, causing both me and Louise to jump, our heads snapping in the direction of the sound. I feel the blood drain from my face, and my stomach churns at the... thing.

"Oh, God. Why did you have to say peeled?" I ask, averting my eyes because I know I'll throw up if I keep looking at it much longer.


"Are you picking that up?" Louise asks, seeming unable to look away. "On my head cam."

"That-oh-oh, God. Don't-don't look."

"Trust me, I'm not," I say quickly, but even as I say it, my eyes dart up to see the zombie that's pinned down to the ground by a stake. It's... the skin has been peeled off entirely-the body has no flesh. I can see the muscles and the grayish-red blood that keeps pulsing out of it. "What kind of sicko does something like this?"

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