Chapter 57: My Demons

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I've tried telling him. I've tried to tell him for four days, but I can't... I can't tell him that Diana is going to get me. I'm going to be put under mind control.

I've tried to push those thoughts away, focus on Moonchild and what she knows about Diana. But she has been talking about the same thing that's going to happen to me. Happiness, overwhelming happiness that is almost consuming.

Although unlike Albert, she says she doesn't remember anything. Janine thinks it might be that Diana implanted a command that she would forget everything that happened while she was under the mind control if she somehow managed to break free, which seems like something the devious woman would do.

How she managed to break free from the mind control is still a bit of a mystery. We think it might be because that vial of zombie repellant that went all over her. Kefilwe is doing more research on it now. All we can really do is wait for results, while I try to get some sleep at night.

I haven't, and it shows. Sam hasn't really noticed, but my kids have, and oddly enough, so has Moonchild. She's been very watchful of me. It's almost disturbing. I mean, it might because we helped each other in the past, and she's more afraid of Louise than she is of me (not that I blame her) but there's not much we can talk about. At least, there's not much that I know we can talk about.

But she seems to like being around me... a lot. I tend to ignore her most of the time, since we have barely anything in common. But her constant following and added comments can get annoying, and she does sometimes ask me odd questions about my life-like my past or my feelings.

I roll my eyes at the thought. I barely tell the people I have a close relationship with about those things. Why on earth would I tell anything to this woman I barely know?

I hear the door to the sleeping quarters open, and with a raised brow I watch two people enter. One of them I'm happy to see, the other... not so much.

"Runner Five, there you are," Kefilwe says, and I raise a brow.

"Have you been looking for me?"

"No, but your son has. He said he wanted to spend the afternoon with Polly and Zach in the Rec room, but he needed your permission first. Moonchild and I said we'd help searching for you."

I nod, biting back a smile while feeling slightly happier knowing Milo wanted to ask for my permission instead of just going off and doing whatever with those two. While Zach and Polly have been keeping themselves out of trouble, I still feel a bit wary of them. Milo's need to come and ask me about them does make me more inclined to tell him he can spend some time with them though.

"Well," I say with a yawn, "if you see him, you can tell him he can spend some time with them, but only in the Rec room and only if he has all of his school work done."

"You're not going to go tell him?" She questions, and I shrug.

"I would, but I don't plan on leaving the dorms anytime soon."

"Are you alright? You haven't been feeling ill, have you?

I laugh lightly at her concern. "No. No. We both know I don't get... ill anymore. I'm just tired. These last few nights have been... not great."

"I can tell, man," Moonchild says, earning another raised brow from me.

"What? Has my aura changed color?" Sarcasm drips from my voice, but she doesn't catch it.

"No, you just have really bad dark circles under your eyes. Are you stressed? You should try meditating. It would really help you relax."

I hum. "I stick to reading my Bible in terms of helping me relax, but uh, thanks for the suggestion."

To Be A KillerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora