Chaptet 45: All The Right Moves

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I wrap the blanket tighter around my shoulders, shivering terribly. Dr. Lobatse sits in her chair, having already done her examination on me as per protocol. Now she's simply staying in here while I warm up, or least, reach the point to where I'm no longer cold. Thankfully it won't take too long since she brought a pair of dry clothes, although they are big on me.

"I am sorry your mission did not go well," Kefilwe says, and I nod, teeth chattering.

"Y-Yeah. I don't think-I don't think I'll ever get over that image of those rats and the zombies." I shudder from the memory. "I thought I'd seen everything before I'd come here to England. Obviously I haven't."

She laughs, but there's no mockery in it, just wisdom from her years of being a doctor. "Runner Five, believe me when I say you most definitely have not seen everything. You've seen much more than most girls your age have, but there's a lot more in the world than you think."

"Mostly a lot more bad, and terrifying," I say, and the woman simply shrugs.

"Yes and no. There is a lot of bad in the world, and there is a lot of terrifying, but there is also good. You still plan on getting your people back from the Laetitia Greenwald, yes?"

I nod my head curtly. "Sometime soon. Within the next few days, definitely. But... the only reason it's good to get them back was because they were taken in the first place, which was bad."

"You're not the most optimistic person, are you?" She chuckles.

"With how long you've known me, you should know I'm not." I tug on the oversized shirt that's falling off my right shoulder. "But I'm not disturbed by what I saw more than what I heard... from Steffie."

Kefilwe blinks, tipping her head to the side curiously. "What do you mean?"

I hesitate. "Well-"

"Runner Five, are you..." Sam's words die in his throat when he locks eyes with Kefilwe. "Oh... hi."

"Hello, Sam," She replies kindly. He coughs awkwardly in his sleeve, before meeting eyes with me. My face stays completely neutral as he stares at me, hair dripping and jumper soaked from the pouring rain outside.

"Are you-are you okay?" He stammers, and I shrug.

"As okay as you can be after that," I answer, holding the blanket tighter around me. My voice is still flat, but Sam half-smiles at the fact that I'm giving him more than one word answers even after I'm out of danger.

"Good. That's-that's good. I'm glad."

Am awkward silence settles between us, neither of us sure what to say. Sam's eyes keep going from his feet, to me, then at his feet again, his half smile slowly fading. I simply stare, waiting for him to speak again. I mean, he can't have ran here in the rain just to ask me if I was alright. There has to be something else.


"Runner Five," Kefilwe says, gaining both my and Sam's attention. "I must get back to the hospital. You and Sam can stay here as long as you like."

"But-" I start.

"You'll be fine. There's a jacket on the counter that will help shield you from the rain when you decide to leave with Sam."

I open my mouth to object, but she's already gone, leaving me and Sam alone. I bite my tongue, silently cursing the woman. She's been trying to get me to talk to Sam ever since we argued. I've been refusing, finding ways to avoid Sam for the past five days. Now I have no choice but to talk to him.

"You're still angry with me, aren't you?" He asks finally.

"A bit," I reply. "But you did just aid in keeping me alive, so I'm a little less mad now."

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