Chapter 33: Your Cheatin' Heart

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I groan as a hand nudges my shoulder, pulling me out of the warm comfort of solitude I've buried myself in.

"Wakey, wakey," Simon half whispers, this time nudging someone else. "Rise and shine. Can't have you clutterin' up my home forever. Like they say, a man's shack is his castle."

"What is that in my back?" Owen groans, shifting on the cot we've all piled on. "It feels like a poker."

"I think that's Runner Five's elbow," Jody mutters, and I nod in confirmation.

"It is."

A hand grabs my arm and roughly yanks me to my feet. "Come on, lazy bones. Time to get up."

"It's the middle of the night," Owen says, and Simon just rolls his eyes.

"Safest time for it. That's what we all agreed, if you recall." He huffs out a laugh. "You're really not a mornin' person, are ya?"

"It isn't morning."

I dust myself off, yawning and running my hand through my hair. I grimace. Since yesterday was filled with so much danger, I'd completely forgotten about my hair and how terrible it looks. I'm surprised Simon hasn't quoted on it. I think he's still pondering over whether or not I actually meant it when I called him my friend.

I did.

I do.

"Runner Four, Runner Five, Runner Six, are you there?" Sam whispers after I put on my headset.

"Gang's all here, Sam," Simon replies.

"I'm not talking to you," He growls. "Runners Four to Six, are you ready to go? Eugene's on guard outside the coms shack. He'll warn me if anybody comes, but you need to be quick. Amelia was giving me the evil eye at supper. I don't think she trusts me, and if she realizes I'm not in bed at the dorms..."

"Thanks, Sam," Jody says. "I owe you."

"Just... just make sure this is worth it, okay?"

"It will be. I'm going to prove to all of ya that I had nothing to do with those people dyin'."

Owen crosses his arms, eyes narrowing into little slits. "And are you going to explain that recording Travis played us? It-it didn't look good, Jody."

"I know it didn't look good. Why do you think he played it? But it isn't what it seems."

He sighs heavily, and he glances at the floor then back up at Jody. "Okay. Let's do it then."

Simon laughs mockingly. "'Okay.' Blimey. Talk about a pushover. Don't let that wide-eyed, innocent look fool you. I mean, look at me. I've got-I mean to say, I had-an innocent face, and you know what I did."

"Yeah, but it seems you don't even need that to convince Five to trust ya again," Jody says, and I stiffen, wondering if that was an insult to Simon or to me.

He shrugs. "It's not my fault she's got a soft spot for me."

"It's not a soft spot. She's just forgiving," Sam grumbles, which provokes another laugh from the masked man.

"I beg to differ. I know more about her than you probably ever will, and one thing I know is that she is most definitely not forgiving-not to others or herself."

I groan, my fingernails digging into my palms. "How exactly did this conversation get turned around to where that I'm the main topic? If you're wondering, I forgave Simon because I believe in second chances, and he's a human who makes mistakes. And I know... some extra things about the situation."

Simon glares at me for saying that last part. Apparently he doesn't want anyway to know just why he did it. Fine. Let them wonder. But Owen doesn't seem to hear that last part anyway.

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