Chapter 28: I've Got A Theory

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"Runner Five and I are going to begin the testing now, Sam," Veronica says, her hand inches away from the lock that keeps the gate closed, the gate that keeps the zombies and us separated.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asks skeptically. "I know you've had your dad's old New Canton research notes for a few days now, but shouldn't you be starting out with smaller tests? Ones that don't put you and Five in a field with two dozen zoms right off the bat?"

"It wouldn't have taken this long if I had anyone left to research with. I want to get in that Comansys base just as badly as Abel Township. Dad never managed to protect humans from zoms, but he did work out some things about how to draw zombies away. Between his research and mine, I think we can get us past the zoms and into the Comansys base. If it works, then we can be in that lab by tomorrow."

I grin at hearing that. If we get into that base tomorrow, then we'll most likely get to leave either that day or the next. That sounds amazing. I've been gone two weeks and three days, if I count the five day trip up here, and it's beginning to weigh down on me. I miss Abel. I miss my kids.

I got to talk to them yesterday. Sam snuck them into the coms room while Janine was on some pathetic little assignment for Amelia. I missed hearing Penelope's rambles, and Milo's talk on his drawings. This is the longest I've ever been away from them, and I don't like it.

"And if this doesn't work?" Sam questions.

"If it doesn't work... that'll be interesting data." She shrugs, before casting a look at the zombies behind the wood gates. She pulled these zoms from the calming field last night, using a long stick so she wouldn't have to get too close, since zoms can still be unpredictable even with the effects of the plant. She put them in the pen, and the time from nightfall until now has let some of the effects wear off.

That's what she told us, at least.

"But if it doesn't work, you'll be eaten."

"No, the effects of the calming plant hasn't completely worn off; They're still a little dopey," She explains, pushing up her glasses. "Runner Five and I can get away from them no problem if we need to. That's how science works, Sam. No experiment is a failure. Even no results is information."

Sam's quiet for a few moments, as if trying to let her words sink in. I myself am more than a bit worried, but I know this is for Caleb, so I'll do it with courage. I just have to hope I don't mess any of this up and end up dying early, if I can do that... I'm not too sure.

Best not to test my luck.

"In that case, open the gates." He doesn't sound at all convinced, but Veronica either doesn't notice or doesn't care as she unlocks the gate. She starts running, and I quickly follow.

"We'll lead then into open ground, Runner Five. It'll be easier for Sam to keep track of their movements when they're away from the trees."

I nod. Yes, that makes sense. I can hear the zombies moaning as they exit the gates, shambling after us. This is the first time they've felt the flesh hunger in weeks, I'm guessing. We have to keep in sight of them so they'll continue following us, so I slow down just a bit.

"What am I going to be looking for?" Sam questions. "I tried reading some of the files we sent over, but it all seemed a bit... really science-y. All those numbers and um, something about zombie ants?"

I blink, then I blink again, wondering if I heard him correctly. "What?"

"It's camouflage via scent markers," The teenager explains, frowning when she sees my confused look and hears nothing but silence on coms. "Hiding using smells? Didn't you listen to my dad's voice files?"

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