Chapter 60: It's Raining Again

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"You look like drowned rats. I mean, like rats that were taking a bath and then someone switched the shower on at the same time, and then a tidal wave washed you into the sea. That sort of drowned rat."

"You really know how to make a girl feel pretty, Sam," I say with chattering teeth, the rain and snow mixing together, hitting my skin to the point where it's almost painful.

"Sorry. I can say you look like a pretty drowned rat, if that makes you feel better."

"I'd only feel better if it were true."

"I think it's true."

I don't say anything in reply, and I bite my lip to keep from smiling, and blame my red cheeks on the cold.

"The rain is cleansing, man," Moonchild says, breaking the moment.

"Your lips are blue and Five can't stop shivering. Is this place much further?"

"I thought it was down that lane, but now I'm thinking that was just where I dreamt it was, and it was actually somewhere else."

"Right." He draws out the word uneasy, while I internally groan. "But are you sure this is where you've got your stockpile of meds-the place you were heading for-when Diana caught you? Because-because if it isn't-"

"Is this the right frequency?" A new voice chimes in, snobby and annoying. I blink. I know this voice. "For God's sake, someone help me get ahold of those Abel runners!"

"You're talking to my Abel runners, actually," Sam replies with slight bite in his voice. "Who's this?"

"Sam Yao?" The male voice says. "Is that Abel radio operator Sam Yao?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"Thank God," He mutters under his breath. "I'm told you have an asset very near to New Canton."

"That's Runner Five," Another voice replies-female. "My husband Esteban always used to say... it's Runner Five."

I hear gunshots through my headset, then screams of terror. My eyes go wide and my heart stops in my chest. What's going on in New Canton?

"They've seen us," He says fearfully. "Mr. Yao, divert Runner Five to New Canton's East Gate Four immediately. I repeat, immediately. Have you got that?"

Sam gives out a mock laugh. "I'm not diverting anyone until you tell me who you are."

"This is Bernard Prior, New Canton Permanent Advisory Council. We're under attack."

"Wait, New Canton's under attack?" I ask with a gasp.

"Not New Canton, the P.A.C. There's a gunman in the compound, someone with a grudge. Emergency procedures call for evacuation. It was Runner Thirteen's job to guide us on route to the emergency shelter, but..."

I shudder at the memory of that night with Steffie. It flashes across my eyes-the zombies, the rats, the thunder and lightning. The storm of this day reminds me much of the storm of that one.

Let's just I don't encounter anything like that today.

God, I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

"Yeah, okay," Sam says, letting out a deep breath. "Five, you heard the man. East Gate Four."

"What about me?" Moonchild asks, and I hear more gunshots and screams. My blood runs cold.

"You'll have to go with her. Just, both of you, hurry!"

I pick up the pace, mud and slush splashing up onto my covered ankles and calves, seeping into my already soaked pants and socks. But I do my best to ignore the cold, hoping that I'll eventually go numb entirely. My face already has, as well as my hands and feet. I have to just hope the rest of me will.

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