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The next day Haechan didn't walk her to school. In fact, the boy wasn't even at school. Eunbi was extremely worried for the boy because even if they weren't extremely close, she still considered him a friend. It was also rather lonely walking to school alone again for the first time in a few weeks.

After settling down in her seat and getting lectured by her friends about leaving so suddenly, and without her stuff at that, she gently rested her head onto her desk. She hadn't slept well the night before.

"You alright?" Jeno's voice gave Eunbi quite the fright as she smacked her head down against the desk. With a small cry of pain she clutched forehead with her hands.

"Not anymore" Finally letting go of her head and turning to Jeno she noticed that he was no longer smiling but looking at her with concern. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You have a scar?" This set the girl into confusion. Scar? Where? Not even giving her a minute to work it out he gently pulled back her hair to reveal her hair.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot that was there" It was from the first run in she had had with Mark, the one where all this mess started.

"When did you get this? Is it why you've been wearing your hair down lately? I did wonder" How did he even notice that? She did used to exclusively wear her hair in a ponytail but even her friends hadn't commented on it. She meet Jeno's eyes one again seeing as his stare was drilling into her. "You don't have to hide it you know, it doesn't make you any less beautiful"

It should've made her blush, she was getting a compliment from one of the schools pretty boys, but it didn't.

"Thank you Jeno"

A day with Haechan's absence turned into a few days, which turned into a week, which turned into two weeks. Eunbi had tried to contact both Haechan and Mark but couldn't reach either boy. Finally a few days into the third week he returned, but he seemed a little different. He had a nasty gash on his cheek and he walked with a slight limp.

The first chance she got Eunbi pulled him aside to ask.

"What happened?" A small smile was all she got in return.

"I'll leave Mark to tell you that" He began to turn away but Eunbi hand shot out to grab his shoulder, making him grimace. Instantly letting go Eunbi quickly spoke.

"What happened to you then?" She was concerned for her new found friend, especially as it seemed like he had some serious injuries.

"A knife and a bullet" he smirked at Eunbi turning away, "And that's all you need to know"

The rest of the day dragged on with her desperately whining to Haechan to tell her what had happened. It was in the last period that girls started squealing. It started by a noise outside and then a few girls beckoning other girls, and now nearly all the girls in Eunbi's class were gushing over something out the window. It didn't bother her until the bell rang and Ryeong wouldn't let her leave due to her literally clinging to her saying how hot the guy was.

She was finally excused when Haechan spoke. "I think it's for you"

Quickly standing and making her way to the window to see what he meant she saw a swarm of girls surrounding Mark who was leaning on a motorcycle.

"WHAT DOES HE MEAN THATS FOR YOU?" Ryeong was practically screaming as Eunbi grimaced and packed her bag. "DID YOU GET A BOYFRIEND AND NOT TELL ME!"

"Nope, he's just a friend"

"I HOPE TO HELL IT DOESNT STAY THAT WAY YOUNG LADY" Eunbi cringed as her friend yelled down the hallway. When she made it outside she was tempted to just slip past using the crowd as a disguise until she remembered Haechan's words.

"I'll leave Mark to tell you that" she whispered mocking Haechan's voice. Reluctantly she made her way through the crowd, the occasional push nearly knocking her over. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk yo Mark, she just wasn't fond of excessive attention. Mark's straight face broke into a small smirk when he saw Eunbi walking towards him.

"Since when did you own a motorcycle?" Eunbi was actually interested seeing as it was never mentioned.

"Since I got my licence" He then handed the younger girl a helmet while speaking. "And I do believe I owe you dinner"

As he got on the bike Eunbi followed suit, gingerly wrapping her hands around Mark's waist. He was rather glad he had a helmet on so no one could see the blush creeping up. As he revved the engine the crowd of girls began to squeal, making Eunbi laugh slightly.

"I'm expecting an explanation by the way" And with her words they left the school and went whizzing down the highway.

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