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It was a few days after that Eunbi finally left her room, talking to only Sohye within that time. She had a sad smile on her face as she greeted everyone for breakfast, taking a seat next to Mark and Doyoung.

The breakfast was like any other, and Johnny had even managed to get a small laugh out of Eunbi. At the end of the meal, Doyoung had stood up when everyone else was leaving and given Eunbi a hug, watching her break down in his arms.

It was a few weeks until Eunbi was close to being how she was before. She was laughing again, a welcome sight to everyone, and she was chatting with people with a smile on her face, a smile that wasn't fake or forced. Of course she was still sad, she had held her brother as he died, but she was getting better. She hadn't had many one on one conversations with Mark yet, only a few, so when she pulled him aside after dinner one night he couldn't help but be a little scared.

They had ended up in one of the rose gardens, sitting on a bench Mark didn't even know existed. It was awkward to say the least. Mark still felt guilty about what he had done and Eunbi couldn't figure out a way to tell him she didn't blame him at all. Eventually, Eunbi decided to just spill everything she had been holding in for weeks.

"Mark," The boy turned to her, wide eyed and afraid. "I just want you to know that I really don't blame you. He would've killed me if you didn't shoot him, I just cant bring myself to hate him" Mark let out a breath, indescribably happy that she didn't hate him after all.

"I'm glad you don't blame me" Mark watched as Eunbi began to fiddle with her fingers, her eyes switching from place to place before meeting his.

"I also wanted you to know that uh, if you were-"

"JAEMIN WHAT THE HELL OMG YOU HAVE TO TELL ME IF YOU SET UP A DAMN BOMB" The pairs eyes quickly went to the direction of the scream, watching in horror as a loud explosion ensued. It didn't seem to big, but it sure was loud. And so was the high pitched scream that followed it.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY YET?!" and with that the pair burst out laughing.

Everything went back to almost normal after that. Eunbi helped make breakfast with Taeyong in the mornings, Jaehyun and Sohye still cuddled in plain sight and got yelled at by the boys about PDA, Yuta still harassed Sicheng 24/7, and Mark and Eunbi went back to how they were before.

It was after 127 has been out on a mission that Eunbi had walked into the lounge to find all the boys sitting in a circle with confused looks on their faces.

"What's up guys?" All the boys shot up instantly, forming a wall almost as if to hide something.

"Nothing!" The chorus was perfectly in sync and completely unbelievable, so Eunbi quickly stood up on the couch next to her to pear over them.

"Is that a dead body?" Eunbi was completely unamused as she looked at the boys before looking back at the limp body.

"Maybe?" Donghyuck sounded just as confused as she was really, which didn't help their case.

"What do you mean maybe?"

"His name is Kun, and he's one of the guys we captured when we stormed the first Vixen HQ, and we were about to interrogate him, but Taeyong glared at him and he fainted?" Johnny stepped out of the line, turning around and poking the boy to check if he was awake yet.

"I don't blame him" Taeyong shot a glare at the girl as she hopped off the couch, walking over to this Kun. Gently taking ahold of his jaw Eunbi tilted his head towards her before slapping him lightly on his cheek to wake him up. Sure enough he woke up, looking her in the eye before nearly fainting again.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm Eunbi"

Eunbi managed to work her magic, getting all the info she could out of the boy while the others just watched in bewilderment. She truly was amazing after all. It was later that night when Mark pulled her aside, taking her outside of his room to his balcony before looking up at the stars.

"So why am I here?" Mark looked over at the girl, instantly at a loss for words. She looked stunning under the nights veil, the stars reflecting in her eyes and the shine of the moon catching her lips in the most beautiful way he could imagine. She was so incredibly beautiful, and he was so incredibly in love with her. He didn't speak, he simply took ahold of her wrist and drug her into his chest, resting his head atop hers. They stayed like that for a while, swaying slightly as they enjoyed each others presence.

When they pull apart, Mark rested his forehead on hers, his eyes dancing between her eyes and her lips, wanting so much to press his to them. So that's what he did. The kiss was slow, every emotion they had for each other showing through the way the moved. Mark pulled away, keeping his forehead on hers, so close that his lips brushed against hers as he talked.

"Your the greatest risk I've ever taken Eunbi" He pressed his lips to hers, pulling away reluctantly as he spoke again. "And the greatest reward"

Eunbi pulled away from him, pulling something out of her pocket before holding it out to him. Mark looked at the bandaid in her hand, suddenly aware of the fact he still had a cut on his cheek from the last mission.

"Your cheeks cut, I thought you might need a band aid"

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