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Jaemin was very concerned when Eunbi was late to practice, even more so when he heard a scream from outside. Running out to see, he carefully scanned the area in hopes of seeing her.

"Chae Eunbi?" He called but received no response. With a sigh he headed back inside, deciding that she may have just forgotten. He only really got concerned when she didn't come to school the next day. Deciding to take his worry up with Haechan, he ended up also being clueless. That's when it got bad. Straight away when Haechan reached the HQ he informed Mark of Eunbis absence, which only made things worse because frantic panicking Mark was not a good look.

But to top it all off a very angry Taeyong joined the mix.

"WHO THE HELL DID YOU GIVE THE ADDRESS" Taeyong voice was terrifying, laced with pure fury.

"What?" Taking a break from pacing the room Mark turned to Taeyong, confused as Taeyong lifted an envelope.

"You have a letter, and we both know that means someone knows the address, and seeing as it is addressed to you, I have my suspicions!" Taeyong took a few steps towards Mark as he spoke, making the younger take a step back as well.

"I didn't, I swear!" The letter was thrown in Marks face as Taeyongs eyes pierced into him. Opening the white envelope with caution Mark pulled out a folded piece of paper. Opening it up revealed a small message written in cursive.

Marks expression quickly changed from one of cautious curiosity to a blank unreadable glare. Shoving the paper into Haechan's hands he let the room, his strides full of power. He wasn't showing any emotion, but he had suddenly become a lot more terrifying than Taeyong. He was past mad, past terrifying, he was demonic.

Looking down at the letter Haechan could immediately tell why Mark had reacted the way he had.

"Taeyong, get the boys together and grab the best guns we got"

Taeyongs curiosity spiked and he took the letter for himself to see exactly what it read.

' The effects of brainwashing are simple;
Isolate the victim, expose them to inconsistent messages,
Mix with sleep deprivation, add some form of abuse,
Get the person to doubt everything they know and feel,
Keep them on their toes, wear them down,
And stir well'

Eunbi had no clue how long it had been, but it felt like she had been there for days. She was tired, but she knew the second she closed her eyes she would be beaten again. The cane he was carrying when he first entered became something she feared very much. She refused to give in though, holding her fear back and only showing aggression when in conversation.

The familiar tap of something against the ground rang through the room and Eunbi immediately readied herself for the events she she would follow. Clenching her teeth as the door sung open, the shrill sound of his voice bouncing off the concrete walls.

"Are you still not ready to tell me about lover boy?"

"I don't have a lover boy" Her voice was coarse from her constant screams of pain.

"Is quite amazing your not afraid of me by now, any other person would be" The mocking tone in his voice was striking a chord in Eunbis mind and she finally cracked.

"That's so cute, you think you're scary!" He turned at her words, twirling the cane between his fingers in anger but she didn't back down. "But mister, I've seen scary, and you don't have his smile" Mental imaged of Taeyong entered her mind for a moment before she shook the, out, focusing on the current situation.

Before she could think of another thing to say the cane came in contact with her shoulder, causing her yelp as it hit old bruises. The cane continued to land on her body with brutal power. Finally it stopped and began to walk away, making sure she heard his words.

"You will be afraid of me when I'm done with you" As the door slammed closed, a heavy breathe left Eunbis bloodied lips before small cries emitted throughout the concrete prison she was trapped in. Not even able to wipe her tears due to her restrained wrists she began to cry harder. Desperate whispers left her mouth as she pleaded with any god who cared enough to listen. She knew it would come with no avail so she fell further back into her chair, pleading to the last person she could. She called out his name in the silence like he would actually hear her, like he would actually care.


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