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"Yuta I swear to god if she is not okay I will personally kill you" No one had every seen Mark this panicked, he was usually rather calm and collected, but it seemed the lack news was getting to him. He was pacing the lounge, eyes scrunched closed with his hands on the back of his head, his lips raw from being bitten so hard.

"She'll be fine Mark, I'm sure she's just too busy grieving with her brother to call us" Doyoung had been trying his hardest to calm the pacing boy since he had started 2 hours ago, but it seemed like nothing other than a message from Eunbi would stop him.

"She's afraid of her brother, she would tell us she was okay or if she felt threatened, she would tell us something" His voice cut off, going quieter s he mumbled to himself. "She would tell me something"

"Fine then!" Doyoung was getting angry now, the boy thinking irrationally and ignoring any advice the boys were trying to give. He was fed up with Marks stubbornness. "Go to her house, check if she's bloody alright, you can deal with the repercussions"

Doyoung stood up, glaring at the boy as he walked out of the room in attempt to calm himself down. Mark simply stopped pacing, his eyes frozen on the floor as he thought. It almost gave everyone in the room a fright when he hurriedly moved again, going straight out the door. It was only when they heard the rev of a motorcycle that they fully processed what he was doing.

Taeyong quickly stood, sprinting outside and yelling at Marks disparaging figure. "Mark don't you dare!" The boy didn't stop, whether he just didn't hear or chose not to listen, but Taeyong had flames in his eyes.

That boy was going to interrupt a grieving family for his own selfish concerns. Taeyong was quick to grab the nearest keys he could, matching them to a car leaving only just enough time for Donghyuck and Yuta to slid into the car before he sped off. He was following partially following Mark and partially following Yutas directions, fully blinded by fury.

They pulled up to the house what seemed like only a few minutes after Mark, but the front door was already open and Mark was no where in sight.

"That fucking idiot" Taeyong was evidently furious, his already intimidating demeanour becoming ten times worse as he stormed into the house, looking around for any signs of either the boy or Eunbi. He didn't see either until he walked into the dining room to find Mark kneeling on the floor, seething as he clutched something in his fist.

"What the fucking hell Mark! You can't just bloody storm into somebodies home after a member of the family just died" Taeyong looked around once more before resuming to yell the by. "Even if their not home"

Mark only looked at the older boy before standing, slamming his fist against the table before turning to leave just as the other boys streamed into the room. Taeyong watched the boy storm out before looking at the table, catching sight of the small metal locket lying on the now dented wood. He picked it up, spinning it in his hands until he visibly froze, spiking the other boys interest.

"What is it?" Donghyuck looked over Taeyongs shoulder for only a second before taking off in a sprint out of the room in attempt to catch up with Mark.

"He was right" Taeyong pocketed the locket, the fox head symbol feeling as though it was burning a hole through him. No real need to say, plans began as soon as they returned home.

Eunbi couldn't exactly remember what had happened a few hours ago, nor did her completely unfamiliar surroundings help at all. All she knew was that she had gone home and somehow ended up strapped to a chair in a rather lavish room. It was different from the cold concrete of the warehouse she held by held captive before, instead this room was the size of a large bedroom, wallpaper and light fitting appropriate to one as well.

Panic was beginning to rise in her chest as she attempted to force her memories to return, but nothing seemed to be working as she struggled within her binds. She only stopped when the door freaked open slightly, no one entering.

"Hello again Chae Eunbi" His voice brought back memories of dark rooms and broken bones, the artificial sweetness of it causing fear to bloom in her stomach.

Hansol entered the room bare handed this time, his signature cane left behind as he traced a finger along her jaw. "Did you miss me?"

Eunbi stayed silent, the tears barely held back in her throat sure to come out should she go to talk.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" He crouched in front of Eunbi, his dark hair hanging into his eyes as he shot her a seemingly innocent smile. "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you this time, but it's still for the same reason. Lure your pretty boy friends here to save you"

Tears threatened to fall from Eunbis eyes as she thought about the boys she considered family falling into the hands of Hansol for her. Hansol leant on closer, his breathe feathering across her face as he whispered in her ear.

"And this time they won't succeed"

The man jerked away rather suddenly at the sound of the door closing, his smile quickly dropping. Eunbi switched her tearful gaze over to the person who had just ended, her breathe catching in her throat as she did. For once, Woojin wasn't in formal wear, this time in a more comfortable looking shirt which hung in such a way that it exposed the outline of a fox head tattooed on his bicep.

"Eunbi" His voice was just as cold as usual though, his glare showing no signs of emotion as he dragged a chair from the corner and sat in front of her. "I'm sure you have questions, so ask away"

It took her a moment, but Eunbi soon came up with one. "How did, how did dad die?" She was desperate to hear the answer she wanted, that he had died peacefully and from his illness, not his gang affairs.

"At home, he had a heart attack" Woojin stayed emotionless, his eyes drilling holes into Eunbi.

"Is that a lie?" Eunbi was choking up, tears freely streaming down her cheeks as she looked at the person she had once called family.


"Is that how mum died?" Woojin broke character, a small smirk appearing on his lips as he leant back.


"How did mum die?" Eunbi could barely manage a glance at the man in front of her, his arms crossed as he smiled.

"You killed her" Eunbi broke into sobs, her body crumpling into the chair as she tried desperately to calm herself down.

"You're lying!"

"No. You remember it don't you? It was Father's Day, we had gone to visit fathers office to celebrate. Only, dearest mother didn't know what her husband really did for a living. We were held up at the door, and you stupidly decided to try and run through the bloody armed guards" His voice was slowly rising in volume, standing up to tower over her.

"Stop it!" Eunbis screams did nothing as Woojin continued to yell, leaning over her as he went on.

"YOU TRIED TO RUN THROUGH THE GUARDS! THEY TRIED TO FIRE AT YOU, MOTHER HAD TO STOP THEM SOMEHOW DIDNT SHE? SO SHE DAMN PULLED YOU INTO HER AND LET HERSELF TAKE THE BULLETS MEANT FOR YOU" His finger was digging into her neck as he yelled. Eunbi continued to sob, not believing a word he said. She couldn't of killed her mother. She couldn't have.

"Stop!" Her voice was choked out by Woojin as he wrapped a hand around her throat, pushing against it as she began to struggle for air.

"AND FATHER HAD TO WATCH IT ALL HAPPEN, THATS WHAT MADE HIM THAT WAY" Woojin let go of the girls throat as she gasped for air, her pitiful frame slumping down once again. "You ruined our family, so I'm going to ruin yours"

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