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Chenle had gone outside for a moment, all the crying and sadness inside being a little too much for the young boy to handle. He had pulled out his phone in hopes of entertaining himself, but quickly turned it off and hid behind a bush upon hearing whispering. Everyone was inside, which meant this wasn't one of them.

Chenle waited for the stranger to round the corner, his thumbs already tapping away at his screen to warn the boys. Much to his surprise it was Eunbi who came round the corner on Jisung's bike, tears dripping from her eyes as she took off down the driveway. Chenle quickly changed his text, making it a warning of the missing girl instead before grabbing his bike and taking off after her, staying a good enough distance away as to not be noticed.

The boys had gone into yet another panicked frenzy after receiving Chenle text, Ten sprinting to his office to locate the girl who hopefully still had her phone on her, only to find the note.

I've got a tracker, don't worry.
Follow me when the boys are back safely.

Ten was upset, yes, she had gone against the gangs better judgement, but at least she had done a good job of it. Meanwhile Chenle was still following the girl, a safe distance away do that she would not hear him. She had stopped to call Woojin earlier, letting him give her an address for the trade. Upon Eunbis arrival she was quickly taken inside the building, Hansol standing there waiting.

"I knew you'd come"

"Did you hurt them?" It was barely a brave face, her eyes were puffy with tears and her unsteady breathing was a clear give away of her nervousness.

"Not as much as I would've liked" Eunbi watched as Hansol walked over, his hands going straight to where she had tucked the tracker, it was in the shoulder strap of her bra, a place she had hoped the wouldn't search. Unfortunately, with all the yanking that it had taken to 'escort' her in, her sweater had become considerably looser.

"You won't be needing this" Eunbi watched as the device was smashed on the ground, the hell of his shoe crushing it further. That was her only hope, the only chance she had at getting out from where ever they were going to take her.

"Before I go anywhere let them go"

"As you wish then" Eunbi watched as Hansol walked to one of the many doors in the room, opening it up and talking to someone inside before waiting a few seconds. When he turned to walk into the room again, the three boys she had done this for followed, blindfolds over their eyes and handcuffs around their wrists. It was only when they stopped in front of her did they pull the blindfolds off.

"Eunbi" Doyoung looked heartbroken as he looked at the girl, wrists held behind her as she stood there, about to be taken god knows where.


"Eunbi you shouldn't have done this" Jaehyun was giving her sad eyes, tears pooling in his eyes.

"Sohyes waiting for you, she was heartbroken you were gone you know" Jaehyun still couldn't manage a smile, his eyes only becoming sadder.

"She wouldn't have wanted this"

"She didn't, no one did. They kept telling me it was an unfair trade, but we all know it's not"

"It is" Johnny looked at the small girl. Over the time he had spent with her, she had become so much like a younger sister to him, and now that she was going to suffer at the hands of her real older brother he couldn't help but hate himself for not doing more. "We're not letting you do this Eunbi"

"Oh but you are" Hansol could only smile, standing next to Eunbi as he patted her head. She flinched at his touch, the feeling of his hands making her remember things she wished she didn't.

"Just go" Eunbi looked away from the boys, watching as they began to get tugged from the room.


"Go! Get out of here, go back to the boys. Please" Eunbi watched as the door slammed shut behind them, leaving her with Hansol once again. Time seemed to pass quicker after that. She was blindfolded and taken somewhere by car, which she assumed was the main HQ, and placed in a room that looked scarily like her own bedroom at her family home.

It seemed even more like it when Woojin entered, dressed once again in formal clothing as he towered over her. "You always were dumb"

"It's not dumb to want to protect those you love"

"You don't love them. You've been tricked into thinking you do, a Stockholm syndrome princess" He turned, ready to leave the room when Eunbi spoke, a ferocity in her voice he had never heard.

"You're wrong" He turned to her, cocking his eyebrow as he listened to her speak. "They've showed me more love, what it's like to have a real family in 6 months than you did in my 17 years of life"

"We could've been a real family if you hadn't killed our parents"

"I didn't kill our parents"

"You did!" His anger was beginning to bloom again, but this time it didn't scare Eunbi as much. She had something to fight for, to prove to the person in front her that she had a family now, a better one than ever before.

"I didn't kill them, dads damn connections to a gang did!" Woojins eyes were filled with anger as he rose his hand up, ready to hit the girl seated before him, but was stopped at the ring of gunshots.

"What the hell!" His hand came down on Eunbi, striking her across the check as he yelled. "How the hell did they find you!"

Woojin seemed panicked now as he pulled a gun from his waistband and pushed it to her temple. And it stayed like that, it stayed like that until the doors flew open, revealing a very angry group of boys. Mark stood at the front, his eyes burning as he held his gun at Woojin. Behind him was Donghyuck, Yuta, Johnny and Jaehyun, all with guns drawn and angry expressions.

"Put your gun down" Mark had barely managed to bite out the words, his anger making him want to act without talking.

"I think I have the upper hand here you know" Woojin tapped the barely of his gun against Eunbis skin, the cold metal making her flinch slightly. "I can shoot your pretty little princess any time I want to"

"She's your sister, you wouldn't shoot her" Johnny seemed to be stuck in disbelief as he spoke, unable to see the anger in Woojins eyes slowly turning to insanity.

"Watch me" Eunbi could see out of the corner of her eye his finger pulling on the trigger, but Mark was faster and Woojin slumped to the ground with his hands on his chest before she could even scream.

"No!" Eunbi was shaking as she dropped from the chair, pulling Woojin up so that he was leaning on her as he gasped for air. Her hands went to his injury, ripping his blood stained dress shirt open to reveal the bullet wound near his heart. Her hands pressed against it, desperate cries falling from her lips as she tried to stop the bleeding.

The boys could only watch, Marks hands shaking as he dropped the gun. He had to do it yes, it was better him than Eunbi, but he had never wanted to cause this much pain for the girl he loved so dearly.

"Your okay. Just breathe okay, breathe. Keep your eyes open" One of her bloodied hands trailed up to his face cupping his cheek as she spoke to him in a shaky voice. "Open your eyes Woojin, it's okay. You don't have to keep going in the gang you know, you can just leave and start fresh. You're okay, you'll be okay"

The boys watched as Eunbis head fell, resting on her brothers barely moving chest. "Wake up, please wake up, don't do this to me, don't leave me. I don't hate you, so please. I love you, please come back."

"Come back" Her voice cracked as she spoke, finally lifting her head from his chest. It had stopped moving altogether now, his eyes closed and no air leaving his mouth. And at that moment, they saw they life leave her eyes even if she wasn't dead.


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