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The Vintem Casino looked amazing. It's coloured lights and loud music it seemed more like a bar, but once you opened the doors to the casino area it turned lavish very quickly. Cream walls decorated in gold, high roofs with chandeliers, and many people in long gowns and suits.

As much as Eunbi wanted to stop and admire the place for what it was, she was sadly on a mission. The gun pressed to her thigh as she walked across the floor, taking a seat at the bar as she looked around.

None of the members were actually with her as of now. The dreamies were positioned all around the building outside, making sure no one entered or exited that shouldn't. Sicheng was also outside, positioned with his sniper. Ten and Taeil had stayed behind of course, and the rest of the members were in the bar area waiting for either Eunbi to come out or a signal to go in.

"Alright, Jisung just signalled that they've entered the building, so get ready" Tens voice came from the small in ear placed in her left ear and Eunbi shifted on her seat as she took a deep breathe.

"Find one, get him one on one, stick on the devices, ditch him and then repeat" The small whisper was impossible to hear over the music and chatter of the crowd, but the door opening was not. Sure enough a man came into the room, a fancy black suit and bow tie matching the briefcase on his hand.

Eunbi carefully raised her wrist to her mouth, pretending to be adjusting her hair as she spoke into the mic. "He had entered the Casino, he seems to be heading this way"

"Good, now its time to play your cards Eunbi, stay safe"

Sure enough the man was coming to the bar. He took the seat one away from her, placing the case at his foot as he ordered a drink. Eunbi looked away, waking a deep breathe once again before turning towards him, catching his eyes as he looked around and giving him the most seductive smile she could manage. He seemed to take the bait, his eyebrows raising slightly he watched her.

"So they were right, the hot guys do stay by the bar" The tone of Eunbis voice was different than how it usually was, instead slightly lower. Taking the drink she had yet to taste the girl slid into the seat in between them, placing the glass back on the counter. "Would you mind if I sat here instead?"

"Not at all" He seemed tense still, like he was suspecting this was a set up - which it was, but he didn't need to know that.

"I'm Lee Sejong, and you are?" The name flowed from her tongue naturally even though it was made up on the spot.

"Kim Jimin" The man was in no way attractive, instead he was much older than herself, frown lines already present on his face. He had a scar on his neck as well, though it was a lot worse than hers. It looked like her had survived an attempt at murder, but seeing as he was in a gang, that was probably true. "What brings you here?"

"I'm from out of town, looking for some fun while I'm here"

"Fair enough, but if your looking for fun you'd have better luck out in the bar"

"I'd rather talk with someone with class than a drunk idiot" The man cracked a smile, his crooked teeth on display.

"If your looking for class you've come to the right place then" Eunbi fiddled in her sleeve, pulling out a mic as she lent forward to take ahold of his hand. He took her motion as an advance, which although it was kind of meant to be, his movements still startled Eunbi a little. He leant in, going to whisper in her ear, and Eunbi took the opportunity to stick the mic into the fold of his collar. "I'm all about class"

"I guess it's a good thing I came in here then" Eunbi moved quickly as he moved away, taking the tracker in the hand that wasn't in his, and placing it into the pocket of his jacket. He seemed to notice the slight tug on the fabric however, and quickly went to go check it. Out of panic the girl leant forward, running her hand across his jaw so he was looking at her once again.

"By any chance are you waiting for anyone, perhaps a girl?" The man smiled once more, speaking of his singleness as Eunbi breathed out. The distraction had worked. His words stopped abruptly however when the door swung open to reveal another man and Tens voice filled her head.

"Eunbi get out of there as quick as you can" His words were rushed, the desperation streaming through the network. She pretended to brush some hair out of her face as she whispered into the mic.

"Why? Had something happened"


The music suddenly stopped at a woman's scream.

And then the gunshots started.

Eunbi quickly obeyed Tens words, dropping to the floor as she crawled away from the man and behind the bar.

"Ten what's going on!" She didn't hide her mic this time, instead she spoke right into it, hoping ten would get just how out of the loop she was.

"We've been compromised, where are you?"

"Behind the bar"

"Good, stay there, Marks coming to get you" The line beeped twice before going silent, meaning the line had been cut. Mark had told her that's what it meant before she left, and it only happened when either the servers were cut or Ten terminated the line to prevent it getting into wrong hands. So she was either about to get saved or left for dead.

With that thought in mind Eunbi pulled the gun from the strap on her thing, clicking the safety off as she slid closer to the bar, hopefully more out of sight. The screams were deafening, the sounds of the guns clicking ever present. Eunbi had to hold in a scream as a body fell over the bar, landing next to her, it's hand on her thigh.

She pushed it off with the barrel of her gun, but it was quickly directed to the bar again when someone leapt over. Eunbis finger pressed on the trigger, but stopped just before it clicked, Marks wide eyes being the reason.

"My god I come to save you and you try to god damn shoot me" He was panting, gun in hand and blood on his white shirt, jacket discarded. "Well come on then"

His hand reached out to take her wrist, and Eunbi quickly followed after him as he took off running. It was only when they came out from behind the bar that Eunbi got scared, the bullets flying their way. Nothing hit however, as the men began to drop to the ground. It confused Eunbi slightly until Mark whispered Sichengs name and she realised it was his doing.

The pair ducked behind a flipped pool table, taking cover for a few seconds. It truly was only a few seconds though and soon they were running again, out a side door Eunbi hasn't even noticed and into a hallway. It seemed to be a staff hallway, and the cold grey was a shocking difference for the lavish interior of the casino.

"We should be safer here" Marks breathing was still heavy, but this time Eunbis matched his. Letting go of his hand she slid down against the wall, slipping her feet from the heels before taking a second to breathe.

"So we're safe?"

"No, I said well be safer, not safe"

A minute passed as they leant against the wall, regaining their breath. The peace was interrupted however when the door they had entered through was thrown open and they had guns pointed at their heads.

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