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Mark didn't exactly end up dead at Tens hands, but he did pay Johnny a little visit in the medical room shortly afterwards. Nothing serious, he actually just tripped while trying to run away, but Mark was still claiming it was Tens fault. There was a quick mission debrief before everyone split off to get some well needed sleep.

It had been a successful mission overall, the place they had located was in fact an HQ, but not the main one. Sadly, there weren't many leads to follow from what was left in the place. They did however gain some leverage, three people they managed to capture. They didn't have names yet, nor did they have their positions in the gang, but it was better than nothing.

Eunbi had eventually decided not to be angry with Mark, but he had gotten a strong warning that she would not let him off so easy if he ever did something so stupid again. The next morning was fairly uneventful really. The 127 boys had all slept in due to the exhaustion of their mission so Eunbi and Sohye ended up making breakfast.

"Just crack the eggs into the pan, leave it to cook over and then serve it on a plate, it's easy" Sohye was glad Eunbi was bright and cheerful again, but she wasn't as happy to be in the kitchen.

"Eunbi, I burn spaghetti" Sohye earned a giggle at her words, Eunbi looking away from the vegetables she was cutting up.

"Eggs are easier than pasta don't worry" Sohye stood stick still, egg in hand as she gave a defeated look to Eunbi.

"No Eunbi, I burn the canned spaghetti. The one you just put in a pot and stir occasionally"

"How the" Eunbi couldn't help but laugh, Sohye couldn't really be that bad at cooking, surely. "You just have to watch it and stir, no one can burn-"

"I can burn spaghetti" Their banter continued until Taeyong walked in, dark bags under his eyes. He took one look at the girls before taking the egg away from Sohye and ushering her out of the kitchen hurriedly.

When he turned around he made eye contact with the girl, his tired eyes showing barely any emotion. "Please never let that girl cook, I don't really feel like having a house fire"

Soon everyone had woken up and streamed into the dining room, shooting their tired good mornings to Eunbi and Taeyong as they passed by. The rest of the day ran smoothly, no gang talk at all. It almost seemed like they were just a normal family, at least until later in the evening.

Eunbi was sitting on the couch with Sohye, Jaehyun, Mark, Yuta and Sicheng as they were all mucking around trying to figure out how to play this strange board game they had found in the cupboard. Eunbi finally looked away from the instructions when her phone buzzed in her pocket, pulling it out to see what the notification was. The number that popped up was one she hadn't seen in a while but still had memorised. It was Woojin.

The group watched as she stood quickly, walking out of the room and into the hallway. They didn't try to follow, they knew if she had gone out she had gone for privacy, so no one pressed it. Eunbi had wanted privacy, mainly because she wasn't exactly sure where this conversation would lead. She hadn't talked to her brother in few months, and she didn't think she would for a while more.

"What do you want?" He couldnt see her, but Eunbi still put on her bravest face hoping it would give her some confidence.

"You need to come back home" Eunbis eyes widened as she listened. He had wanted her gone, so why does he suddenly want her to come home?


"Father died"

"What?" Eunbis voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke, tears pooling in her eyes. Sure, he dad had been in a comatose state since she was young so they never bonded like a normal family would, but they were still family.

"He died this morning, so you're required back tonight" His voice made it clear he wasn't mourning, he still kept his business only gone, no emotion to be heard.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Her voice cracked as she spoke, the tears spilling from her eyes as she grabbed the wall for support.

"Just come home" And with that the line went dead and Eunbi was left alone with the news. The phone slipped from her hand as she lowered her hand, her knees giving way as she crumpled to the ground in sobs. He was gone. Her eyes were too blurry with tears to see that someone had entered the hallway and pulled her into their chest, but she knew instantly who it was.

"Yuta" His name was chocked by her sobs, but the boy hummed in acknowledgment. He didn't say anything else, nor did her ask what was wrong, instead he waited for her tears to ease enough for her to speak. "He's gone Yuta"

"What do you mean?" His voice stayed calm as he continuously stroked the back of her head, watching as her fist clenched the material of his shirt.

"Woojin called me and he, my dad, he's gone" Yuta somehow managed to understand her murmuring, his grip on her tightening slightly.

"I'll take you if you want" Yuta took the girls nod as a yes and carefully stood up, his arm wrapped under the crying girls to help her up. He took a gentle hold of her hand and lead her out the house, somehow unnoticed by anyone else. The drive was silent excluding the occasional sniffle from Eunbi, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It only became bad when they stood outside of the front door Eunbi had vowed never to enter again when she had last left.

Eunbi left a soft knock on the black wood, waiting for it to open. Sure enough the door opened to reveal her bother, sanding at his full height in formal clothing.

"Eunbi" His voice was cold, and he only met her eyes for a second before they trailed to the boy behind her.

"Woojin" Woojin stepped aside, walking into the house as he left the pair at the door. It wasn't a warm welcome, but this time he hadn't tried to slam the door on her face.

"I can stay out here if you want?" Eunbi turned to look at Yuta, her puffy eyes no longer holding the happy glint they usually did.

"You can go home if you want, I have the feeling I might be a while" Yuta gave a small nod, shooting the girl a small smile as he watched her enter the house, closing the door behind her. She knew Yuta didn't want to be there. Yuta still wasn't over Yunikos death, and being in this situation would be too hard for him.

Eunbi followed her brother through the familiar halls, though this time they didn't feel homely. Soon they arrived in the dining room and Eunbi watched as her brother took a seat at the head before gesturing for her to take a seat as well. She sat with her back to the windows, the cold air of the night flowing through them and sending shivers down her spine.

"So why did you need to see me?" Eunbi was trying so hard to seem strong, but her red eyes and shaky voice were doing nothing to help.

"Father wanted you to know something" Eunbi watched as he stood up, walking to the China cupboard in the corner of the room before pulling out what seemed like a pendant from a milk jug. Woojin dropped it in front of her, the metal clanging against the table until it came to a stop. Eunbi reached out to turn it only to see a sight she never wished she had.

Carved into the metal was a small fox head, the distinct symbol of the Vixens. Before Eunbi could do anything, Woojins hand placed itself on her shoulder as he leant down and whispered in her ear words she never knew would scare her so much.

"He wanted you to know that you had no idea who he really was"

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