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It was when the were seated in a nice little meat restaurant that Eunbi realised she didn't know anything about Mark. Cautiously, she asked a few questions. A lot of laughs later, she actually knew quite a lot about the boy. He was born in Canada, has an older brother, likes cookies, the list goes on. It was when he asked her about her family she froze up.

"Well, I've also got an older brother, Woojin, and we live with my parents"

"Tell me about them" He leant slightly towards her as he spoke, seeming sincerely interested.

"My dad's quiet, he doesn't really do much, my mum is amazing though" a small smile rose to her cheeks as she spoke of her mum. "She is really nice and loves hugs, she's a really good cook as well"

"She sounds really cool, I'd love to meet her someday" A small nod was all the response he got. After a while, Mark finally moved on to talk of where he had been.

"Well you know you were a target for a gang" Of course Eunbi knew, that's why she was in this whole situation. "Well we found out who ran it and where their HQ was, so we stormed it"

"You what!" Eunbis eyes widened as her voice raised a little higher that Mark expected.

"We took out the gang, so now you can go back to normal life because all affiliation with us is terminated" She zoned out after that. She should have been happy, she could go back to normal life, be a normal schoolgirl. But she wasn't. It was after the had eaten and Mark was about to give her a lift home she finally spoke her thoughts.

"What if I don't want to cut all contact with you?" That wasn't exactly how she had wanted to word it but it would do. When no response came from the boy she looked up only to see him tampering with his helmet. Noticing he stare he grew curious.

"Did you say something?" And with just four words all of Eunbis hope came crashing down. She shook her head before taking the extra helmet from him and putting it on, this time only letting her hands rest on his sides.

Haechan didn't walk her to school the next day, but this time he was at school. She sat with her friends, who pretty much exclusively talked about boys. And when she went home she had dinner with her family. It was normal. And she hated it.

This carried on for a week at most before Eunbi began to get the feeling that someone was watching her. Thinking it was just her mind playing tricks on her she ignored it, but she still knew in the back of her mind there was always a possibility. Her suspicion continued for another week until she was once again ditched by her classmates to do the classroom chores. Singing to herself she mopped the floor and wiped the windows and board. Finally she packed her bags and headed down to her badminton practice. Changing into her sports gear and tying her sneakers up she grabbed her racket before heading to the courts.

It gave her a terrible fright when someone grabbed her waist and pulled her backwards, a small scream leaving her mouth before a cloth was clamped over both it and her nose. Before she could even attempt to scramble away she began to lose energy before finally falling unconscious. The sound of the gyms doors flinging open made her captor take action, quickly pulling her behind the corner of the building she had just exited. The boy who had come out scanned the area, his dark hair falling into his eyes as he scanned the area.

"Chae Eunbi?" The boy called. The captors breathe hitched, had they heard her scream and come to look. Looking down at the limp Girl in his grasp he decided to just leave as quickly as he could. Carelessly throwing the girl over his shoulder and jogging towards the van parked a little further back.

It was cold when Eunbi awoke, her head pounding and her eye sight blurry. Blinking away the blur she looked around, seeing nothing but large concrete walls and a partially broken wooden roof. She couldn't tell what time it was as she looked around, so she couldn't tell when whatever had just happened occurred. All she could remember was someone grabbing her when she was walking.

Giving up on trying to work things out she closed her eyes, willing her headache to go away. She believed it was close to an hour before she heard the sound of footsteps. Opening her eyes again and trying to ready herself for whatever was to come, she straightened her posture as much as she could with her hands bound behind the chair. As the door on the other side of the large room opened a rather tall man walked in, walking cane in hand. He wasn't using it for his aid though, it was twirling between his fingers as he approached her.

"So you've woken up already? Why that didn't take long" Eunbi guessed she hadn't been out for to long then.

"What do you want from me?" She spoke through her clenched teeth, masking her fear with aggression. He seemed to be surprised by her tone as his eyebrow rose as he kept his eyes on her.

"It's not you I want something from" he paused and dramatically spun the cane, "It's your little boy toy"

"Hate to break it to you, but I don't have a boy toy" The sound of her own voice was shocking herself as well. She was utterly terrifying, her hands shaking in fear, but her voice showed no trace of the emotion.

"But you do, and it's happens to be a little rival of mine, Mark Lee" Eunbi knew it was coming, but it still made her afraid. If this guy had a rivalry with Mark , it meant he was in a gang, which meant she was in trouble. "And I think it's time for a little payback"

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