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The members had quickly become alert the second the s threat was realised. The Vixens were using a distraction tactic, but not for the warehouse as they had predicted, for the HQ itself.

"Eunbi, Jaemin, Jeno, go get guns, Jisung and Chenle go get those damn extra security things going, Donghyuck and Renjun stay here with me" It hadn't taken Mark long to fall into his leader role, barking quiet orders as the boys obeyed quickly.

Eunbi was terrified, but when the two boys she was supposed to follow began to move she forced herself to follow suit, making her way to the basement steps using the shadows of the furniture and curve of the walls to hide herself from the view of the windows. It was only when the sound of glass shattering and hand forcing her to the ground did Eunbi remember that whoever was outside already knew that they were here.

"You okay?" Jenos voice was a bare whisper in her ear, his hand still firmly planted on her back as he lay pressed to the floor next to her, peaking around the corner of the sofa they were hidden by in attempt to see outside.

"Yeah" With Eunbis words Jenos hand left her back as he moved into a crouch, signalling for her to do the same before counting down with his fingers. Eunbi somehow got the cue, taking off at a sprint as his last finger dropped. More glass shattered as they ran, but no bullets made contact with their bodies, instead they made it to the staircase just as Jaemin came back up, guns in hand and a few bombs strapped to a band around his waist.

"Your a god Jaemin" they two boys exchanged smirks as Jeno took some guns from the boys hands, handing one to Eunbi as he did. The cold metal in Eunbis hand brought back bad memories but the adrenaline the situation had given her helped her push them away for the time being.

"Let's go then" And with that Jaemin took a small cube from his belt and threw it too the ground as hard as he could. As it made contact with the wood of the floors smoke emitted from the broken pieces, filling the room in mere seconds.

A hand landed on Eunbis wrist, dragging her as it ran. She wasn't afraid though, she knew those calloused belonged to Jaemin from Badminton. She wasn't sure how the boy could see, but soon enough they were back crouched behind the sofas of the lounge, handing guns to the remaining three boys. It seemed just in time as well, seeing as the second the safety clicked off Marks gun the doors lock began to jiggle.

It didn't last long, instead the while door came down, pushing the smoke away in its wake. However they were had some pretty fancy gear, bullet proof vests and heavy guns as they spun around in search for the members.

Eunbis couldn't help but shake at the sight. It hadn't been long since she had last held a gun, shot one even, but the knowledge of how to do so quickly left her as she looked at the men. They were not afraid to kill, she was.

"FIND THE MEMBERS BEOFRE THEY CAN ARM THEMSELVES" The voice didn't come from any of the men lined up in the doorway, and it sounded awfully familiar. The click of Jenos gun emitted through the room as one of the many men collapsed to the floor, followed by another as Renjun lowered his gun.

Eunbi still crouched frozen, the only movement she allowed of herself was the shaking of her hands. Heavy footsteps took her eyes from the gun and back at the men who had begun to shoot around as they searched inside. They took a couple more steps forward, dangerously close to where they were hidden until bright lights ca,e streaming in from the ceiling, loud blaring noises following.

"And Chenle got it" Renjuns voice was almost proud as he rose to his full height, gun clicking as he relentlessly emptied his clip into multiple men, watching them drop to the floor as the sirens covered the sound of his gun. The boys all seemed to follow suit, rising to stand as they darted around the room, using bullets and their bodies to take down man after man, but Eunbi remained frozen as she watched.

Throughout the groans of the falling men a familiar voice sounded out in a pain filled yelp and Eunbi watched as Jeno fell to the ground a few steps away. He seemed to be bleeding, most likely shot in the flurry of flying bullets. It took all her bravery, but the girl quickly kicked into action. She stayed low as she darted to him, hovering over him as she checked the wound. It was indeed a bullet bullet wound, and it was luckily not in his chest, instead it was just under his left ribs.

Eunbi quickly slipped her arm under Jenos shoulders, pulling him to sit up as she apologised for causing any pain before she hoisted him to stand and semi walking semi dragging him through the kitchen and into the dining room.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was terribly shaky, her hands he exact same as she placed him under the table, the only real hidden place as she lifted his shirt to see the wound better. It was only then the girl realised it wasn't just one, but three bullets lodged in his flesh. The other two were higher up, placed very close together as the sat just under his chest. There was a lot of blood, and Eunbi wasn't exactly the best with that, but she quickly placed her hands over it anyway.

Blood continued to stream through her fingers, and Jeno was in no condition for her to leave him to go get any medical supplies, so instead Eunbi quickly looked around for anything useful. There was no avail however, as everything was kept in the kitchen except for the placemats. Removing her hands from Jenos wounds Eunbi took a hold of the hem of her shirt, pulling as hard as she could to take a chuck of the material. It took a second, but the material eventually ripped off and Eunbi quickly pressed it to the higher up gun wounds as she placed her free hand in the other one, applying the needed pressure for the bleeding to stop.

The whole time Jeno was groaning in pain, his expressions showing just how bad his injuries were. Eunbi only freaked out more when the amount of gunshots outside doubled and she didn't quite process why until the door swung open revealing Sicheng with his gun drawn.

"Sicheng please help!" The girls desperate voice startled the boy, but Sicheng quickly spotted the pair tucked under they table and sprung into action. He pulled the chairs away, assessing the situation before speaking.

"You did a good job with the bleeding, keep your hands where they are alright? I'm gonna move him to on top of the table now that it's safe" Eunbi nodded, watching as the boy slipped his arms under Jeno and picked the injured boy up, moving slowly to make sure Eunbis hands stayed where they were. After they were out from under that table, things moved a bit quicker and soon enough Eunbi and Jeno were on the table, Eunbis hands still pressing down on his injuries.

"I'll call Johnny, stay where you are alright?"

"Please hurry" Sicheng nodded before picking up his gun once more and sprinting out the door, only to enter once again a minute later with the said boy trailing him.

"Shit" Johnny was quick to leave, which confused the girl until he came back with a box of medical supplies.

"This is going to hurt alright Jeno, just stay strong for a minute" And with his words Eunbi watched from where she was sat on the table, the blood stained of her shirt in hand, as Johnny went about in fixing the boy up.

It was only when Taeyong had entered with Mark and Haechan to say the coast was clear that Eunbi realised just what had just happened. They had been attacked, Jeno had been shot, and she had spent half an hour with her hands pressed against his injuries in an attempt to help. It all became a bit much to quick as Jeno was quickly moved to the medical room, leaving just her, Mark and Haechan in the dining room.

"I hate the sight of blood" Eunbis voice was quiet as she looked down at herself. Her hands were covered in blood, one holding a red cloth that had once been part of her white shirt which was now ripped to show her midriff. She hated blood, and it was all she could see.

"Then maybe you shouldn't be around people who kill for a living" Haechan's words were soft, but still had a slight bite to them as they always did. But it wasn't meant to mock the girl, it was to cheer her up. And it seemingly worked as Eunbi choked back sad laughter.

"Maybe not"

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