Chapter 8

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To make this part easier to read. Liz is texting with Matthew and her other best friend Brianna. On pic there is Bri and Liz.

Liz' Phone!

Unknown: "hey!
Liz: "eh? Who is this and where the hell you got my number?"
Unknown: "Matthew. I stole it from Dom's phone"
Liz: "oh hi. Why did you want it anyway??"
Matt: "Isn't it obvious?"
To Matt: "I wouldn't ask if it was obvious"
To Bri!: "HE IS TEXTING ME  *screenshot*"
Bri!: "OMG! What?"
Matt: "Whatever. Hey so you have birthday tomorrow right? What do you want for presents"
To Matt: "Nothing! You won't get me anything"
Matt: "blah that's boring. How about movie night at my place? I could cook something too"
To Matt: "...? Are you asking me out?"
Matt: "likely possibly. So you coming? Esther got some gig so she had to fly back to NYC so I'm all alone here"
To Matt: "Ah so I'm just substitute to your normal cuddle buddy ha?"
Bri!: "ELIZABETH LILY EVANS DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME NOW! You can't just screenshot me that freaking Daddario is texting you and then ignore me!"
To Bri!: "sorry forgot to reply. I think he just asked me on a date..."
Matt: "No. you are not just substitute and if you were just cuddle buddy I wouldn't cook anything for you. I would simply order"
Bri!: "what? But what about Esther?"
To Bri!: "He said something that they are just best friends or something. BUT YOU CAN'T tell anyone and I mean anyone! It could ruin so many things"
Bri!: "wow didn't expect that from him. But speaking of which i gtg to class. I send you all the notes we get. K bye"
To Matt: "ok than. I guess I come tomorrow. You just have to help me how to get there. I don't know how to get there"
Matt: "I can send you cab. Don't worry. But hey lets talk later. Gotta go do my job"


Liz: "care to explain why Dom is covered in bruises?"
Matt: "we had combat training and he didn't pay attention so I hit him with bo-stick. Besides what is he doing around you without a shirt?"
Liz: "Matt this is his house remember that. And honestly I don't even bother if he wants to show of his body"
Matt: "Yeah whatever. So tomorrow you come to my place? I won't take no for an answer"
Liz: "just rolled my eyes. But sure I'll come"
Matt: "don't go all Alec on me missy"
Liz: "i tho you were the one who played him. If I'm alec than who you are?"
Matt: "magnus obviously. You are acting hard to get so you definitely are alec"
Liz: "so alec was just playing hard to get ha? Did you even read the books?"
Matt: "even bane chronicles. Have you read that?"
Liz: "ok you won. I never read it. Which actually is weird because Magnus is my fav from all of them."
Matt: "yeah magnus is pretty cool and interesting"
Liz: "i guess I should go to sleep. Cya tomorrow"
Matt: "ok. Sleep tight"

-past midnight

Liz: "I can't sleep. I have been tossing around for few hours now :/ "
Matt: "oww.. poor thing :( how can i help?"
Liz: "I dunno. I feel lonely and I just wanna cuddle"
Matt: "why don't you go cuddle with Dom? Don't two of you always cuddle?"
Liz: "mmh... welll... he is already sleeping and he managed to get drunk and past out. Can't blame him tho. He acts like everything is ok but I know he isn't"
Matt: "wanna cuddle with me? I don't think I should get there but you could come here. I could use some cuddles too"
Liz: "how? I don't know how to get there or where you even live"
Matt: "I can send cab. Besides. You are the birthday aren't you?"
Liz: "ugh don't remind me. Just send the cab"

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