[Southern Comfort] Fried Green Tomatoes by Emily

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Fried green tomatoes are a southern tradition because of the movie of the same name, but it makes sense that it'd be something you'd see all over

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Fried green tomatoes are a southern tradition because of the movie of the same name, but it makes sense that it'd be something you'd see all over. You got your garden and the damn tomatoes don't always ripen at the same time. Now, they didn't start in the South for sure, but they were adopted all the same. Because what do you do when you want to eat but there are only tough flavorless tomatoes? You fry them! That's the answer to just about every Southern dish: fry it. It makes things taste good.

Now they don't really sell unripe tomatoes in most stores because unless you're making this dish, people don't really use it. And I don't mean the little green tomatillos in their paper lantern wraps. I mean you're going to the farmer's market or raiding your neighbor's garden (with permission and promises of fried tomatoes).


Slice tomatoes into thin slices, maybe like, 1/8th inch? Use a good sharp knife

1 part cornmeal to 1 part flour mixed with lots of ground black pepper

Beaten eggs (maybe 2?)

Take the tomatoes and dredge in the beaten eggs, then coat with the cornmeal and flour. Put into a hot skillet filled with corn or canola oil, and fry. Make sure not to fill it too much or you'll burn yourself! A little can go a long way.

Take them out when golden brown and let drain on a paper towel covered plate. Salt to taste, and serve with hot sauce and some sort of fried fish and sauteed greens.

Serves one person because this is all for me. I'm eating all the fried tomatoes. You can't have any. Mine.

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