[Indian Rasoi] Fish Fry by Ashu

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This is another one of my Gran's recipes, the wet rub is something that lends a unique flavour to the fish and it balances the acidity with the heat of the red chilli powder.


Half a pound of Firm-fleshed fish,
Cut into manageable sized pieces,

For the dry rub:

½ teaspoon of turmeric,
1 teaspoon Red Chili powder,
½ teaspoon of Asafoetida powder, 
Salt to taste

For wet rub:

Two to three sprigs of fresh coriander,
Four medium-sized garlic cloves,

Two to three kokams (I don't know if you get this there... A kokam is the dried rind of a fruit called Ratamba, it is acidic and sour. If you can't find kokam you'll have to use Lime juice, about half a small lime.)

For frying...

Rice flour.

How to fry the fish:

First clean and pat dry the fish.

Then rub fish with the dry rub... Keep aside for ten mins,

Till then in a mortar and pestle crush up all the ingredients for the wet rub. If you don't have a mortar and pestle then a blender will do.

Liberally coat the fish with this wet rub, keep aside for ten mins.

Heat oil in a skillet pan (just enough to shallow fry the fish)

Coat and dust each piece with the rice flour and then cook in oil. The secret to frying the fish perfectly is to first cook them on a medium flame, so they are cooked till the inside. Once you feel the fish is firming up a bit, turn the heat to high, that way the outer coating of flour will get crispier. Just keep an eye out for the fish burning though, I tell from experience. :)

Garnish with some coriander and a spritz of lime.

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