Dealings with a Madman

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Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or the Avengers or any of the characters.

Or the cover.

Drip, drop, drip, drop.

That's the first thing Robin noticed when he started to gain consciousness. The second was how sore his limbs were. His hands were tied in front of him and his legs felt like there were 20 pound weights on them.

Great. Batman is going to kill me.

Robin shifted his weight so he was lying on his back. His left side was numb from the weight of his body. He slowly opened his eyes to get a better understanding of his surroundings. The room he was in was dark, so dark he couldn't see his own hands wave in front of his vision. He stretched out his legs but they didn't meet anything solid. It was cold and damp. So he was probably somewhere underground. Most likely in a warehouse basement or utility room.

Ok. Now how did I get here? I know I was on a mission with Batman. But...

Robins memory was hazy, he probably had been drugged. He remembered following up on a lead with his mentor. A teleportation device that was supposed to replicate zeta beam technology had been stolen from Starlabs. He and batman were investigating when they had intercepted the robbers. 14 men were standing in an alleyway, both the buyers and the sellers were present. Batman had told him to stay put and before he could even begin to argue, he was given the batglare. So he reluctantly complied.

Batman swung down using his grappling hook. Robin watched from the shadows as his mentor landed silently near the men. Batman took his chance to attack when the transaction had been finished. Robin saw his father figure take down the men in a matter of minutes. Nothing out of the ordinary had taken place, which upset Robin because he could have taken down some of the men himself. He wanted some action, it had been a surprisingly slow night in Gotham City and Batman had insisted upon him staying hidden away for most of the night.

Apparently the Joker had escaped from Arkam Asylum again and Batman didn't want Robin to accidentally run into him on the job. Once batman was done restraining the remainder of the robbers for the GCPD to find later, he began to make his way toward his young partner with the device in hand.

It was around 2:30a.m. when the Dynamic Duo started on their way home. The Batmobile was under repairs from its last encounter with Bane, so they had to make due with grappling home. Robin of course did not mind, he loved the sensation of flying. The cold and brisk Gotham air was refreshing to the young acrobat. Nothing else could compare to the experience, except of course for actual flying without the use of a grapple hook, trapise bar or the help of a certain friendly green Martian.

The two hero's were out of the crime infested parts of Gotham. Which helped to take the edge off their conscious. They were 'flying' side by side when suddenly a dart struck against the young ebony's neck, sending him into a dark abyss.


Robins breathing hitched when relization struck him that he still had no idea who took him. And he didn't know if Batman was alright or not. Robin pulled and twisted against his restraints to try to escape and find Batman.

"Batman!" Nothing. "Batman, are you here?" Robin called.

Drip, drip, drop, drip.

That was the only sound Robin was greeted with. It made his stomach sink with despair and unease. He had to find a way out before his captor assumed he was awake.

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