Fallen Prince of Asguard

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything.


Loki! Seriously!? Was that the only person to whom he could place his trust in to get him home. Sure Tony and Bannar could possibly figure it out, they were already beginning to make some progress. But there means to get him home would take a year or two at the least to develop, and he wasn't willing to wait that long. And that was assuming their device was successful.

In his universe, the technological advances were far beyond any of the ones here. He would sooner put his faith with Batman to figure out how to get him home. But he didn't know if Bruce was even alive...

He wondered that since Heimdall could see every living soul in the universe, then perhaps he could see everyone from his universe.

"Heimdall?" Robin asked politely to gain the man's attention, who was currently in a deep conversation with Thor concerning the fallen Prince of Asguard.


"Is there any way for you to find out if my Fa--- um... if my guardian is still alive?" He asked desperately, surprised with himself that he almost called Bruce his Father.

Heimdall turned to look out the large window, his eyes searching in the vast universe.

"I see him... He is alive, and is desperately looking for you." Heimdall said sweetly. Dick almost felt like crying, he had been worried sick about Bruce and had been fearing for the worst.

"What is he doing?" Richard asked desperately. Heimdall lowered his hand to rest on the crown of his head. Dick felt his vision expand, leading him to what he recognized as planet earth. The view kept zooming in and Dick felt like he was riding in a roller coaster.

He then saw the manor and his field of vision found the Batcave, just as he remembered it. The large dinosaur that he enjoyed climbing over, the long collection of glass bookcases that housed souvineres and other trinkets collected from missions. He then saw the batcomputer and recognized Bruce sitting in the batchair, waiting for the results on the screen to finish up. Apparently Batman was trying to locate where the device had sent him and was then going to most likely follow him here to bring him home. However, they would still have the problem of trying to get home from here. The only upside being that they would be together. But it would still take another year or two of waiting and during that time something horrific could happen in their world. So no matter what, Loki was the only option.

Then all of a sudden, a ping was heard throughout the Batcave, signifying that the computer had finished it's search. He watched as Batman practically jumped in his seat and began typing away furiously. Robin could tell that Bruce was stressed out considerably. He was thin and looked like he hadn't slept since his disappearance. He watched in horror as Bruce positioned the device to aim right at himself. This is what Robin feared the most, he didn't want Bruce to come here to find him, not when he knew how to get home himself. The Avengers would look into the energy surge and come upon him. They wouldn't be able to handle the Batman when he was on a crusade to find his lost parter. He was about to shout at Bruce to not do it, but remembered that he was galaxies and universes away. There was nothing he could do to stop Bruce.

Robin felt his vision return to the present, albeit another strange experience. He found himself once again standing in the beautiful golden observatory, with Thor by his side and Heimdall in front of him. He looked up at Thor, concern written across his face.

"Richard, what is it?" Thor asked, wondering what had upset the young mortal now.

"Bru---Batman is comming here! Well not here, but he is comming to earth. Right as we speak!" He said quickly. Thor understood his meaning and quickly assessed the situation. He quickly picked up Dick again and lifted his hammer and pushed of the ground hard with his foot and began soaring through Asguard.

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