Concealing an Identity

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I do not own characters or cover.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Robins POV.

He was cold, then he was hot and then the freezing cold came rushing back after a few moments. He couldn't make sense of anything, all he felt was pain... horrible never-ending pain. Then when he thought he would be driven mad, he heard someone shouting. He prayed that it wasn't the Joker, he hoped that it was one if his teammates arguing like they always do when he is injured. He slowly opened his eyes, quickly shutting them because of the harsh white light. After his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked around noticing he was in a medical room. Not the med-bay that was located in the mountain, not the watchtower and not any hospital in Gotham city. He knew all to well what their rooms looked like.

He attempted to sit up, but strong hands pushed him back onto his pillow. He looked up hoping to see Bruce or Alfred, but it was a tall very built blond man, clad in the American flag. Surrounding him were more strangely dressed individuals. A woman with scarlet hair was wearing a tight black Kevlar suit, she reminded him of Black Canary. To her left was another man of about average height wearing a nice Harrison Ford three piece suit. On Robins left was the most intimidating man he had ever seen, he was tall and muscular with black skin and an eyepatch covering his left eye. He was glaring at the man in the nice suit with a look that could rival Batmans. Dick reached up to feel his face frantically with his free hand, he was luckily still wearing his mask.

"Son, you need to calm down." The blonde said to him. Apparently he had been hyperventilating because he was starting to get dizzy. Robin focussed on evening his breaths, which was a challenge because his chest was tightly wrapped with thick white bandages. Robin didn't know any of these people, but they gave him a sense of... safety.

"Where a-am I?" He asked, his throat raw from all the screaming he had done earlier. The woman approached him holding a cup of water, helping him drink it. He drained the glass quickly, he was so dehydrated.

"You are in S.H.E.I.L.D.S headquarters, in the med-bay. Can you tell us your name." The intimidating man with the eyepatch asked.

"What's your name?" He asked back seriously curious. The others in the room understood his uncertainty, especially after what he just went through.

"I am Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America." The blonde, now Steve said.

"Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow."

"Hi, I'm Iron man, but you can call me Tony." The suit man said, which earned him a slap from Natasha.

"And I am Nick Fury, director of S.H.E.I.L.D. Now, can you tell us your name?" eyepatch said.

Robin hasn't heard of any of these people and apparently they were heros.

"My name is Robin." He said, not willing to give them more information than that.

"Your full name son." Fury said glaring down at the boy. He would receive answers one way or another, even if he is just a child. The boy, Robin, shrunk under his gaze, but wouldn't give in either.

"Fury, stand down." Steve whispered to him sternly. Fury sent the captain the same glare.

"Hello Robin." Natasha tried, "Can you tell us how you ended up stranded in the Arizona Desert?" She said sweetly. Tony was taken back by this new behavior, he had never seen the Black Widow so nice before. Her behavior toward the boy on their way here had unsettled him, but now he was just freaked out. Robin looked up at her, glad that she didn't push him. He sent her a greatful smile, but before he could answer her question, Bruce entered the room holding the test results in his hands.

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