When a Bird Cries

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Disclaimer: I do not own characters (yet) or cover....


Robin was thrilled to be getting off the hellocarrier, he wanted to see how different this demention compared to his. He followed the Avengers team to the north side hanger, where their jet was located. He had to admit, it wasn't as cool as the batwing. Which he was greatful for, he liked comming from the more technologically advanced world than feeling like he came from the stone age. Especially when Tony was talking, trying to explain something to him like he was 5 when he already knew about it. He felt sorry for Steve and Thor in this instance.

Steve and Natasha walked close by his side, still upset that he refused to use a wheelchair. The only person who had ever been successful in getting him to use one was Alfred, which was ok to him because even Batman couldn't say no to Alfred. So he didn't consider it a sign  of weekness.

Once they were in the Quinn Jet, everyone buckled up except for Thor, who gave up his seat to Dick, and got ready for the departure to Stark Tower. The flight there was short and awkward, nobody spoke except for Clint, who just gave regular updates on their current location and ETA. However, when Stark Tower was in view, Tony would not shut up.

"It runs completely on clean self sustaining energy, the only building in New York in fact. It has 80 floors not including the underground vault and it has a multi-functioning elivator system. Pepper, who you have to meet, runs the whole thing. Although Jarvis helps with all of the systems security and programming."

"Tony, we get it." Natasha said finnaly getting annoyed with him. Everyone was greatful because he had been rambling for 7 minutes straight. Robin didn't mind, he was used to Wally's non stop talking and it was comforting to him. But not wanting to upset the super assassin any further, Tony shut up.

Clint landed the jet on the platform and everyone exited the aircraft. Tony was the first to enter the large building.

"Welcome to Stark Tower!" He said enthusiastically, everyone rolled their eyes like this occurred every time they entered. Robin was unimpressed by the design of the floor they were currently on. He was greatful that Bruce had Alfred's taste, which allowed for a practical and distinguished look that had amazed him since he was little. However, what little he knew about Tony, the design fit him perfectly.

"So what do you guys want to do first? Swim, gulf, check out what I've been working on in my lab?"

"First, I think that Dick needs to rest." Natasha scolded.

"Oh, right. Uh Jarvis lead Dick to his room." Tony addresses no one in particular, which confused Dick.

"Of course sir." A deep sophisticated voice sounded. Dick looked around the room searching for the source of the voice, but found no one. Instead a array of arrows formed by light appeared on the floor, creating a pathway to apparently his room.

"Jarvis is an A.I. system that I created, he does everything that doesn't require a body. So if you need anything or are lost, he can notify one of us or direct you to where you want to go." Tony answered for him noticing his confusion.

He just nodded his reply and followed the path to his room. It lead him down a hallway, stopping at the 4th door to the left. Dick stepped inside and found a large room with a king sized bed. The walls were a deep blue color, much like the walls in his room back at the manor. It also had filler furniture for aesthetic purposes, like a dresser, desk, couch and coffee table. To the right was a door that Dick assumed was the bathroom. He stepped inside confirming his suspicions, he gently took of his shirt and pants trying not to tear his stitches and he stepped into the shower turning on the hot water.

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