The Regrets We Face

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything concerning the Avengers or Young Justice.


It was quiet in the Batcave, all except for the repetitive sound of nervous pacing, caused by none other than Batman, now Bruce Wayne, as he had his cowl down. His trusted butler and long time friend Alfred Penniworth stood nearby, anxiously waiting for any command or news that would help with the situation.

"Master Bruce, I know that it is imperative that we find young Master Dick, but I must insist that you rest. It has been a week since his disappearance and if you wish to help him, then you need to be well rested." Alfred begged for the third time that hour. But as always, Bruce would turn to glare at the old English butler, and continue in his search to find his son.

"Well then, if you cannot help yourself then I must beg you to ask for assistance. Might I suggest contacting Mr. Kent or even Mr. Queen? They could both help with the search of Master Richard, considering that it was Mr. Queen's device that sent him away in the first place." He reasoned.

Nevertheless, Bruce kept typing away at his computer, waiting for any results on the teleportation divice that had taken his son away from him, ignoring the butler. Alfred sighed deeply at watching his oldest charge type away in sorrow and worry, longing for Richard to be home. He knew that Bruce blamed himself for not getting to Dick sooner. The Joker had made it easy for him to find them, yet he felt that he should have been quicker in his efforts to get to the warehouse on time to save his partner.

After Batmans fight with the Joker, he had raced home to start running trials to find out where Dick had been sent. To his horror, the divice in question had been an interdementional teleportation divice, which could have sent him to any number of alternate universes. Luckily so far he had managed to eliminate a good number of said universes, but now it was running trials to determine which universe exactly had Robin been sent to. And he promised himself that he would not rest until Richard was safe at home in his bed. Because at this moment, Robin needed Batman, and Batman needed Robin.


Time had passed rather slowly in Stark Tower for the young and restless Dick Grayson. He had been denied access to any training room and he wasn't even allowed to take the stairs, due to fear of him falling down and injuring himself further. He knew that these rules had only been set up to keep Pepper happy and although Tony did not like to see Richard couped up inside with nothing to do, he also didn't want to see the love of his life be saddened by his condition worsening.

Luckily Thor had proved to be the greatest of people to keep him entertained. He loved listening to all the accurate accounts of the Norse Legends and Histories, and also the Asguardians personality had kept him happy and cheerful for most of his stay here. The only down side was that he had to deliberately stop himself from laughing, the pain in his chest being to much to handle.

During his stay with the odd collection of hero's, Dick had discovered most of their roles on the team and had figured out most of their personalities.

Steve Rogers, a.k.a Captain America, was team leader and resident papa bear. He would worry and fret over Dick whenever he was in pain and would always be the first to help reposition his pillows or help him move or get him food. If Dick needed absolutely anything, 'Captain Overprotective' was on it in an instant. He was a little overbearing for Dick's taste, but his actions reminded him of Bruce whenever he was injured.

Natasha Romanof was the super spy/ Assassin and was the mama bear to Steve's papa bear. Whenever guests would come into the Tower for personal or business reasons, she wouldn't let them come within a ten foot radius of him, that's if she even let them come up on the same floor as him. She had discovered that he spoke flawless Russian and had enjoyed speaking the language with someone who sounded almost native. She had also been the only one to allow him to perform simple exercises and routines (under her supervision of course), but Dick was happy to at least be able to move around a little.

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