Trust Issues

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Disclaimer: I do not own characters or the cover.



In Main Hub moments before.

Captain America and Black Widow made their way to meet up with Fury. They were both slightly annoyed that he couldn't just read the report, but as Clint said, he likes it face to face. So that he can read their facial expressions and emotions.

"Glad that you could finnaly make it." The Director of Sheild stated impatiently.

"Let's just get this over with." Steve said sitting down at the large oval shapped table. "Two days ago at 22:00 hours we..."

"I read the report Captain, that's not why I summoned you here. Their is something else that I wish to discuss concerning the boy." Fury interrupted. "We analysed the armor he was wearing when you found him, and my agents discovered multiple hidden cameras and drives containing the footage." He said while pulling up the footage on the main screen. It showed Robin expertly fighting and taking down 14 men on his own unattended. The screen showed
other violent interactions that Robin had also been involved in.

"This boy is highly trained and dangerous, with great knowledge of weapons and explosives and other devices, he is also highly inept in hacking and can speak more languages than agent Romanoff. We cannot be sure what kind of threat he posses." Fury stated.

"Nick, he is just a child." Natasha said.

"Agent Romanoff, may I remind you what you were capable of and accomplished when you were younger. And considering he is younger than you when you started your first missions he is more dangerous than you. We cannot be so lucky that he would be cooperative with us. I do not trust him. He is deliberately withholding information from us. And let's not also forget that he is from a different demention." He finnished.

"He seemed to be cooperative when he was telling us what happened to him. I guess it's just you who he does not trust Fury." Steve countered.

"Tell me Captain, did he tell you his name, or mention anything that could relate on a personal level?"

"Well, no."

"But he told Thor, the moment you two left. Here see for yourself." Fury said while bringing up the security footage.

"Well, I believe proper introductions are in order. I am Thor son of Odin, God of Thunder." Thor said while approaching the boy, who was studying the God of thunder closely, analysing him.

"My name is Richard Grayson, also known as Robin the boy wonder. Son of Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman." Robin, now Richard said.

"Now why would he be open with Thor and not you? Your the one who rescued him? It's because he is manipulative and calculating. Traits of a highly trained associate." Fury said. They continued to watch Richard attempt to put on a red T-shirt when the live footage cut out, showing a black screen.

"Get the camera's back up, now!" Fury yelled to the analyst. The agent present frantically typed trying to fix the footage. When he was successful, all that showed was an empty room.

"Damn, you see what I mean. He cannot be trusted!" Fury said while pulling out his phone.

"Stark! The boy is missing, I need you to find him immediately! What! Don't mess with me Stark... well keep him there, I'll be there shortly." Fury said slamming the phone shut. "He is in the recreational room with Stark, Thor and Banner."

"And you thought he stowed away." Clint said teasingly.


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