United in Tragity

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Disclaimer: I do not own characters or cover.

Sorry it took me so long to update.



The next morning Tony and Bruce woke up early to work on a way to get Dick home. They knew in essence how to build the portal thanks to Dr. Eric Sulvic's research, however; they didn't have the correct energy to perform the task, or a way to determine which demention he originated from. Thor had mentioned an infinity stone that allowed for interdementional teleportation, but that it had been lost. And the only other person who would know how to accomplish such thing is Loki. Who they didn't want to deal with. So instead they would work out and formulate every possibility until Dick was home.

Clint, Steve and Thor were awake and preparing breakfast, however; Natasha and Richard were nowhere to be found. Which was strange because Nat was always the first to rise, she would be done with her training and paperwork before the others were awake. Making time for her to complete extra missions assigned by Fury.

Because they had an extra member present in the tower, Clint decided to make homemade french toast and freshly squeezed orange juice. Being the only Avenger with kids gave him the upper hand in knowing how to make someone feel welcome and special, and he intended to make the most of it. Flipping over the last piece he looked around hoping that Nat and the boy would come out for breakfast soon. However, Thor (always the impatient one) decided that he would wake Richard and find Natasha himself. Steve came with him, wanting to be sure that Dick was settling in ok, and because he knew how Thor could be sometimes.

They both approached Dick's room, opening the door. Thor walked right in, surprisingly light footed for the usual loud Asguardian but stopped as he caught sight of the other person in the room. Natasha was seemingly sound asleep, with Dick wrapped tightly in her arms, a smile embedded on her face. The two heros' strong hearts melted at the sweet sight, but as much as they wanted to leave them alone they knew that Dick needed to eat.

"Natasha..." nothing. "Natasha!" Steve said slightly louder. Nat shifted and slowly opened her eyes looking around the room, her eyes falling on the asleep boy in her arms.

"Clint has breakfast ready." Thor said. Natasha nodded her head and shook the boy lightly to wake him. Dick opened his eyes a little startled, quickly searching the room for any threats. His tense body now relaxed at seeing his newly acquainted friends. The hero's didn't miss the action, and Natasha was starting to get a better sense of the boys training.

"Are you hungry?" Steve asked. Richard nodded. "Well then I hope you like French Toast!" Steve said excitedly. Natasha and Richard began to get up and they all made their way towards the kitchen. The smell of homemade, french toast filled their noses.

"Good morning everybody." Tony said while walking into the kitchen with Bruce. "I trust you all slept well."

"Yeah, we did actually." Thor answered, not realizing it was a rhetorical question.

"Of course you did big guy, all the beds in the tower are temperpedic."

Dick sat down at the bar, while Clint passed him and the others large servings of toast and fruit.

"So, how are you guys doing on developing a system that will hopefully get me home?" Richard asked.

"Well... we have most of the math figured out, we just need to build a prototype and start running trials until we get it perfect." Bruce explained. "And then we need to figure out how to pinpoint your demention, and get you home."

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