20th January

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Yey it's a Saturday. I had a lie in until around half ten then I went downstairs where my little brother and sister were messing around. I read a border that my mum had put up so I would know what we had to do and what we were doing that day. My job was putting the bin bags out. I then came upstairs and played with my black and white border-collie called Lilly.

Last night on the way home from the meal I talked to my sister who is 17 (she has a story called 'the spy Princess' its a good book if a bit girly) and she was the one who gave we the idea of publishing this. I think that I will do this idea. I also have another idea going around in my head. I think I am going to do a assembly at school educating people about autism and what it actually is. I was thinking about using Eminem as an example as he has the same type of autism as me. Did you know that he memorised all of the dictionary and there meanings when he was 16 because he wanted to have an edge over the other contestants at a rap battle. I think that I will do the as a lot of people are uneducated about what autism actually is.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and if you have any similar experience please share them in the comments.

I am sorry if anyone was offended I did not mean that to happen. I started writing this as I wanted to get this off my chest. Again if what was written offended you I am sorry.

This is my sisters book.

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