28th June 2018

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Sorry for not updating the book but because of the way that coursework takes over your life I have not had time to publish anything. I might not publish as often as I go into year 11 because of GCSEs and everthing but I will try to publish as often as possible.

Today I started the day as I would in any other day and then went to school. In form I spoke to the people on my table about the world cup (BTW who are you supporting? I'm supporting England and France) and then went to s my science lesson. As one of my acquaintances walked in I said hi and he grabbed my arm in what felt like an aggressive manner so I swung my arm back to get him of my arm and from then my day went down hill. After that someone else then started to try and cut my hair. I politely asked them not to but they carried on. So I then started musing my arm to try and stop him. He then started grabbing my arm making me very uncomfortable. After that lesson I then went to my years progress and guidance to tell my someone so that they would stop it. At that moment I had a lot of emotions flying through my head and as I was talking to him I felt like he was talking down to me. 8 told him what had happened and who had done what. I did not really mean to tell him about my kind of friend what he had done as I knew it was just as a joke but my brain was scattered in what i call the weird place. He then took the two boys out of lesson and from what the people in my class have told me absolutely screamed at them. After he had done this he took them back to his office and told them to write down there version of events and told me to write down my version of events. He then said that one of the two boys would probably go into the work room (isolation). And the other one would just get told not to repeat his behaviour.

I then went out to my friends in the library and did not tell anyone about whst had happened as I did not want my best friend to be worried about me. My day then carried on as normally as it could.

After I got home I had around an hour to relax before going to see my siblings in their production at the youth theatre. After that my mum and dad then took me and my siblings who where not in the performance to the park so we could play until we had to go back. To watch the rest of my siblings. After that performance I then went home on my own as I was getting very claustophobic as I was sat in a tight corner. So I went home and started watching the England vs Belgium match on the TV. After the match had finished my family had returned from my sisters production.

I again apologise for not having updated the story in a while but I have had a lot on with coursework and school. Hope you enjoyed this snippet of my life and if you have anything that you can relate to in this story please share it in the comments section.

I am sorry if anyone was offended I did not mean that to happen. I started writing this as I wanted to get this off my chest. Again if what was written offended you I am sorry.

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