1st March

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Today is the day of the funeral. I got up and read for around 45 minutes before going downstairs. I then got myself a bowl of cornflakes. As I was eating them I watched some YouTube videos. After that I got my little brother some breakfast. I then started getting ready for the funeral. I was going to wear some black jeans and my purple shirt with a black tie. After getting ready I got my coats on. I was wearing a goodie underneath a very thick next coat that I had got given to me. After that we left to get a bus to the actual church. During the service I was quite emotional as I was quite close to my great uncle. I think that I have learnt what the feeling of grief is so I am quite proud of myself. I then had 5 cakes after the service as I was planning on avoiding being in a large crowd as I get quite claustophobic because of all the people so I found myself a small corner to sit in. When I get home I th ink I will ask to go on my PlayStation as I need to try and destress and figure everything out.

Thank you everyone for the continued support I hope you all have realised that even though people with autism may hide it on the outside on the inside it is very stressful. Thank you again for the support and if you have any similar experiences please leave them in the comments. Also remember to have a read of my sister book the spy Princess. VictoriaRatcliffe8

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