The Importance Of Routine

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Today I had a meltdown simply because my routine had been disturbed. My routine is usually this for a Monday
Wake up
Get dressed
Have cereal
Go to school
At break time speak with friends
Dinner time get sandwich
Play football or go library depends upon my mood
Finish school
Come home
Have some cereal
Do homework
Play on phone/outside
Go to youth theatre
Come home
Play on phone/outside
Finish homework/revise
Have tea
Go to bed

The problem with today was I came home and there was no cereal and my mum and dad were at my little sisters parents evening. This caused me to nearly forget that I had to go to the youth theatre so I went and it looked like there was nobody there so I rang my mum and told her. I could have gone but because I do not like going to empty places but hate crowded places (yeah I'm weird I know) so I came back home and had a meltdown simply because 2 things changed in my routine.

It is quite simple as to why routine is so so so important for a lot of Autistic people. They have their day either subconsciously or consciously planned out. I for one plan my day out whilst walking to school in the morning. I will remind myself of what lessons I have that day so I know what lessons I have.

Im sorry for not uploading for quite a while I have had a lot of exams so have been revising most nights. I want to add that I do not speak for all Autistic people but I feel that most will agree with what I have written. Thank you for reading and if anyone can sympathise with these experiences please share in the comment section.

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