10th February

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Today I had a lie in and was having a standard Saturday. I had my breakfast a job which was putting wash on (my usual job as you can probably tell). After that I asked my mum If there was any other jobs I could do as on Wednesday I want to go and see black panther. I am going with my best friend. She asked my yesterday just before lessons started. I immediately said yes as I like spending time with her because we just get each other. I have asked my mum If I was allowed to make a Pandora themed bracelet for her as she had not been given her Christmas present yet. After doing a couple more jobs my oldest younger sister then said that I had done nothing even though I had done loads of jobs and she had not done one. This sent me into a meltdown. It was only a short one though as I had to put another wash on as we were going to get my mums presents for her birthday tomorrow. I got her a necklace with my little brother. When we got home from town I went on my PlayStation. After that we had pizza for tea. I am feeling quite tired now so I will stop writing now.

Sorry for the late upload again I will hopefully be more punctual with the write ups but I only really write a entry when I am having a bad day. I hope you have enjoyed this diary so far and as usual if you have any experiences like these comment below.

I am sorry if anyone was offended I did not mean that to happen. I started writing this as I wanted to get this off my chest. Again if what was written offended you I am sorry.

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