Chapter 2

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Sorry for any mistakes

Ash began to walk to the front, he had a black eye and a small gash next to his eye. His face was in an angry expression and one that doesn't want to be talked to. He ignored all his past friends. And walked straight to where Professor Oak was stood.

He began his speech showing all of his love to his mother, but no tears came out physically but mentally he was broken. But his expressions changed.

"Now, my disappearance. Don't believe the media. They've got everything wrong about today. I was here in Kanto a month ago and watched my mother get murdered." Ash finished and walked off stage and walked away from the crowd and indoors.

Serena was lost for words, so was everyone else. They couldn't process that fact he made a return and that Delia had been murdered.

They all went inside, all of Ash's friends went to Ash who was standing on the balcony with Greninja looking across the field.

"Go" Ash said and Greninja disappeared. He felt everyone's presence. He tried walking past them and ignoring them but they stopped him.

"You're not going anywhere Ketchum!" Alain said and gripped him against the wall but Ash got out the grip and pinned him against the wall.

"Don't try it, I know who you worked for, Alain. Frankly I'm disgusted" Ash said. Serena then ran to the scene and pushed Ash away.

"Ash that is my boyfriend, why have you changed! And why are you hurt all of your face!" Serena said worriedly.

"I'm not here to chit chat, sorry." Ash said began to walk away but he saw something that made his heart skip.

"Arc, secure the building right now!" Ash said speaking into a mic in his ear. He turned to his friends. And looked them dead in the eye.

"I am being serious now, get in the building. Don't you dare come outside at all costs" Ash said and back up against the edge of the balcony.

"What about you Ash?" Serena said getting more and more worried as he got near the edge.

Ash looked at her but didn't respond and instead fell backwards off the balcony and landed on the ground. He formed a shuriken and threw it on the balcony. As it made impact it formed a water shield around the whole building. Serena ran to the edge and saw Ash and a man in a suit . He had a huge scar down his face.

"Who is that man?" Serena said, and all of her friends came over to the edge. They all saw the man with the scar and were quite intimidated. However Alain recognised him.

"Oh my god! This guy is a dangerous criminal! I used to work at an organisation - Well I was forced because they had my Charizard and little sister. And he took down our organisation by himself" Alain said.

"You worked for bad people?" Serena said sounding hurt.

"Serena I couldn't leave my sister in their hands - you gotta understand" Alain pleaded. Serena loosened up and nodded.

"But what about Ash guys! He's face to face with a dangerous criminal here!" May shouted.

"Your happy now aren't you! You got what you wanted. You've made me witness the death of my mother!" Ash was close to losing his emotions.

"Well yes I did make you do those things but I'll give you Pikachu back when I want!" The Man said and put the case behind him.

Ash lost his emotions and lunges at the man, but the man was too quick for him and stabbed him in the leg. The pain was quick, Ash lost his footing and fell to the ground.

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