Chapter 7

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Sorry for any mistakes!
Ash came out of the taxi and stared at his hometown. Everyone had gone ahead to his old house, while he stay on top of a hill looking down on Pallet town. He slowly walked down the familiar path he was used to. It felt weird for Ash, he was returning as someone new. Not as his old cheery self.

He arrived at the front door which was left open for him. Serena's family had settled into the living room. Ash avoided them and went up stairs to his bedroom, once upon a time. He opened the door and saw everything the same as the last time he was here. His medals/badges all on a shelf. His old clothes all in a line.

Nostalgia was kicking in, he picked up the alarm clock which he broke on his big day. He walked up to a picture frame of him and his mother. His face grew sad. His lip started to quaver.

"Ash?" Serena spoke from the door. Ash immediately dropped the photo back on the table and straightened up.

"Y-yes?" Ash asked.

"There's some people that wanna see us downstairs, so you might wanna come quick" Serena said heading back downstairs. Ash followed her down into the living room and was met by the gaze of former champions, Diantha, Cynthia and Alder.

"Ah yes, Ash. It's been a while hasn't it" Cynthia said standing at his presence. Ash acknowledged her with a nod and sat down on a chair.

"Anyways, as you guys know the major tournament is arriving in Alola soon. And of course you three will be invited. We have come here as a warning though. There will be high levels of security as we expect an attack." Alder spoke.

"Yes we believe it has connections with Team Z. Our sources have told us that Arceus has finally chosen his successor and that he bears the message that unlocks all mysteries." Diantha said Now all leaders looked at Ash. Ash looked up when they mentioned this.

"Why didn't you have security before. Innocent lives have already been lost" Ash said.

"Our sources are hard to believe at times, and they were significant in order to find out security measures" Diantha said.

"So that's why you guys have been quite slow and very silent last few years!" Ash said Now getting beyond angry.

"What are you talking about Ash! And don't raise your voice on such important people!" Alain said.

"You've been sitting behind your comfy doors trying to figure out where I've been? While others are suffering!" Ash said.

"None of this would have happened if you'd tell us what Arceus has told you!" Alder intervened.

"You thick bastard. Arceus has told me nothing. I'm not the chosen one. Your sources are false" Ash said.

"Liar!" Diantha shouted.

"Even if I was given a task, I would not share it with anyone but the ones who I trust. And they certainly aren't you guys. Mine and Arceus' relationship is purely the same as everyone else's. So whatever you came here for is a waste of time." Ash said and got out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Grace asked.

"We believe that Ash Ketchum is the Chosen One" Cynthia spoke.

"Great joke! Why would it be him?" Achille said laughing.

"I wouldn't laugh if I was you" Cynthia spoke.

"Is that a threat?" Alain said.

"No a fact. Ash has powers that us mortals purely dream about. I know where Ash has been for the past few years. And I've seen what he is now capable of. Just know this he has been hit hard - in his training" Cynthia said.

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