Chapter 6

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Sorry for any mistakes!
Ash walked down the hallway of his floor clutching his hand tightly. He knew he was being followed so he dipped into a corner and waited for the person to walk past. He waited five minutes but no one came so he peeked around the corner and no one was there.

He took this opportunity and sprinted to his room and quickly entered. He shut the door behind him and crashed on top of his bed. He took of his right glove and saw most of his hand looked cursed and bruised but battered in blood. He got out an icepack and placed it on his hand and sat back staring out the window.

He wondered where his mother would be right now. If she was looking over him. The death still hadn't left Ash, but no one knew it. It still killed him to this date. He wanted revenge. He didn't realise that clenching his hand released more and more blood from his wound.

Ash didn't hear the door open behind him, but it was Serena. She saw blood dripping from under the ice pack and instantly got out a cloth.

"Ash! Your hand!" She shouted and quickly wrapped it, but when she glanced at the wound she thought she saw something before Ash jerking his hand away.

"How did you get in!" Ash said alarmed and holding has hand close to his body.

"Your door wasn't locked and I wanted to see if you're okay" She said.


"Now give me your hand and I can heal it" Serena said sitting on his bed.

"There's no point it's beyond repair" Ash said looking away angrily.

"Let me at least see it!" Serena said persistent to help.

"Honestly it's just my hand, it hasn't got much use anyway!"

"What about when you hold your girlfriend's hand!" Serena covered her mouth instantly.

"Um, what?" Ash said surprised.


"I'd use my other hand" Ash said shrugging.

"It's pointless arguing with you" Serena said.

She grabbed Ash's hand and saw the severity of the damage and winced herself. She saw his hand was mainly black on one end almost like a curse, and a gash to go with it. But there was a weird shape about it that she didn't understand.

"This must hurt a lot" She said dabbing the cloth, after pouring water on it.

"Everyday" Ash whispered but Serena didn't hear.

She finished cleansing the blood and now all that was left was to patch it up but Ash refused. He took his hand back and wore his glove.

"Look I wear a glove anyway but I appreciate your help, but it's really late now and I think you should return to your family especially after those people are around" Ash said.

"About those people..." Serena started

"Another day, but right now it is nothing of your concern. Just focus on yourself and your family. This is my concern and I will deal with it no problem." Ash said. Serena did not want to speak after that. She knew Ash wanted to be alone. There was a sound of thunder outside which surprised both of them. Ash looked out the windows and recognised the same dark clouds, as the day.

"I will drop you back to your room. Stay close and don't say those people's name. I am very vulnerable right now" Ash said. Serena looked at him and for once she saw the boy from Kanto with his caring auburn eyes.

"If your vulnerable then stay I'll manage my self" Serena said.

"I can't allow that. I have to. They are capable of..." Ash stopped looking dead straight at Serena.

"Yes?" Serena waved her hands in front of his face.

"Nothing... lets just go before anything happens" Ash said and looked away and his angry expressions returned. He opened the door for Serena who thanked him and left the room first. Ash followed next to her but he kept Greninja's poke ball in hand. Serena noticed this and got closer to Ash.

"Hey Ash?" Serena asked.

"Yes" Ash didn't make eye contact but kept looking around.

"Where's Pikachu?" She asked.

"Probably with Leaf, seeing her off" Ash replied.

"Ohhhh, Where is Leaf going?" Serena asked. Kind of jealous, that Pikachu had a better relationship with another female.

"She went to chase her dream" Ash replied with a smile, which Serena found odd. It felt weird seeing Ash smile these days as his face mainly remained serious.

"Here's my room" Serena said pointing at the number 540. She and Ash walked up to it. Serena knocked on the door. Her dad and Alain stood there with concerned faces.

"Where have you been for this long!" Alain said and hugged her as she entered. Ash began to walk away but was stopped by Serena.

"Come on in! You came all this way so might as well get to know my parents" Serena insisted but Ash got out the grip and shook his head. But he was pale. Serena noticed his lifeless expressions.

"Are you okay? You look pale honey" Grace said coming to the door.

"Fine" Ash croaked and hastily walked away.


Next morning Ash woke up and decided to head down to Pallet town but decide to keep it low key. However his plan had failed as Serena and her family were heading there as well and invited him along - mainly Serena and Grace. Ash knew he could not refuse and was now sitting in the same limo as them.

Pikachu was on his lap peacefully but avoided Ash's wounded hand. Ash's phone buzzed, and saw a message from Leaf saying she made it safely, and all the normal stuff about staying safe. Alain watched Ash text back as well as Serena's Dad.

"Tell us more about Leaf" Alain spoke out loud.

"Why" Ash replied.

"I want to get to know her better - she seems nice and caring" Serena said, also interested in the brunette girl.

"Ok, well she's a coordinator - Serena I'm sure you know what that means - she's won couple of titles. She's beautiful and caring and well everything a person needs. She turned my life back on track - because I was digging my own grave" Ash explained.

"So is she your girlf..." The car came to a halt, which threw everyone off guard.

"We're here" The driver spoke. Everyone got out except for Ash. He felt pressure - the scenes of his mother's murder flashed in his memory. He didn't want to get out.

"Ash?" Serena's spoke softly. She could see Ash's expressions darken. She put her hand on his shoulder and spoke again. This time he turned his head to her.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Aren't you coming out the car?" She asked looking closely at his face.

"Oh yeah, sorry just... never mind" Ash said quickly and got out the car.

A little short but into the next!

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