Chapter 15

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Sorry for any mistakes

"Ah! Your mum!" Ash shouted and got up out of the couch. He clutched his hands in pain. He could feel its slither all across his body, almost stabilising him on the couch. He could feel himself go light headed and his vision blur. He then felt a touch - that filled him with happiness. His body relaxed and the pain eased away.

Next to him sat Serena, who was already in her outdoor attire. Bonnie had gone with the others in the lounge.

"What happened, why did you scream?" Serena asked worriedly. To be honest, Ash did not understand why his scar began to pain - normally he would see a vision or the device overheat. But it felt like none of it this time.

"Oh um, my hand it just started to pain randomly so I just screamed... anyway what's the time?" Ash asked rubbing his eyes.

"Almost 11:00 am" Serena said looking at her watch. Ash went wide eyed and stood up in panic.

"What!? I never wake up this late! Awww I wanted to train this morning too" Ash said sounding disappointed.

"I wanted you to rest... you've been through a lot lately and you slept with a smile. I love your smile so I didn't wanna wake you up" Serena said blushing.

"Thanks" Ash replied.

"Why were you smiling? What was so good about your dream?" Serena asked.

"It was my mum. She was with me and talking. Just talking," Ash spoke with a smile, "it's the happiest I ever felt but I suppose it doesn't matter now" Ash said and walked towards the shower. Serena couldn't help but feel pity for Ash - she knew she wouldn't be able to hold onto the pressure Ash has had over the years.

Serena went to the lounge and was met by the others - who all looked fresh and ready to go. "So where's Ash?" Clemont asked. Serena sat down next to May and looked towards Clemont.

"He should be down soon" Serena said, a few minutes had passed and Ash finally came down in his usual attire. However Serena could sense stress on the Kanto native. He looked disturbed. She noticed Pikachu with an unhappy face as well.

"Oh finally! Now let's get registered!" Barry shouted looking at his watch. He then ran out of the hotel and towards the Pokémon centre. Everyone followed but at a walking pace. Serena walked beside Ash, and looked at his face. He seemed deep in thought.

"Ash, what's up? You seem a little off the weather" Serena said. She then grabbed his hand.

"Well I don't know... I just it's hard to explain right now. Once I get my head round it I'll tell you." Ash said. Soon they arrived at the centre and they one by one entered their details and the Pokémon they would use. The maximum was 6 Pokémon. It was finally Ash's turn. But he made sure he went alone.

He typed in Pikachu, Greninja, Sceptile and Charizard and when it came to his fifth - he was extremely cautious. Looking around him hoping no one was around. Serena was looking at the odd behaviour and snuck up on Ash. She saw him type A-R-C and was confused - ash hastily typed the remaining letters and entered before Serena could see.

"So Ash, What Pokemon are you gonna use?" Serena asked Now making her presence felt.

"Oh the usual..." Ash vaguely said.

"Like who?" Serena said interested.

"Pikachu, Greninja, Sceptile And Charizard" Ash said.

"Only four? I swear I saw 5 in your list? Who's the fifth?" Serena asked.

"Umm... it doesn't matter!" Ash said rubbing under his nose.

"Oh come on! I want to know your new Pokémon too!" Serena said and grabbed his hand. Ash looked into her eyes and relaxed.

"I'll show you but not today... I want to keep it a surprise" Ash said. Serena looked disappointed but nodded. They then rejoined the group, but Ash insisted he needs to go for a walk alone to clear things off his mind. Serena wanted to go but Ash made her stay.

The group decided to go out for lunch but Serena said she'll go find Ash and bring him back. She searched the beach and looked in the park. But as she went deeper into town - it became emptier but more greener. She could then hear voices.

"I don't know what I could do without you! Your the best!" It was Ash's voice. First instinct of Serena made her think Ash was with another female. As she turned to corner - she saw something that made her heart skip.

Ash was sitting on the edge with the legendary Arceus hovering in front of him. Ash turned around and smiled. He then waved Serena forward. Serena was rooted to the spot but slowly made her way forward.

"Hey Serena... I'm sorry I didn't let you come but I just wanted to vent out my anger" Ash said looking down.

"Ash just know that I am always with you! I will help you always! But can you explain me this?" Serena said looking at the God Pokémon.

"Allow me, Mrs Ketchum..." Arceus began.

"Sorry we aren't married" Serena said blushing furiously.

"Sorry, your love for Ash is so great, it looked like your bonds had been tied together - forgive me for the assumption" Arceus said lowering his head.

"No problem..." Serena said as she was quite overwhelmed with what's going on.

"Anyways, as I began to explain - I have devoted myself to Ash Ketchum for the rest of our lives. It was my wish to do this and I have received backing from all legendaries as they all have Ash Ketchum - as a hero in their eyes. I have been forever grateful of Ash Ketchum as he opened my eyes to the bonds between Pokémon and humans and trust. He saved me when he needn't and almost gave his life for mine - and for that I pledged my loyalties to the boy" Arceus said.

Serena was quite stunned - the God of all Pokemon's pledging itself to her boyfriend.

"I did refuse, as I wanted to him to be a free Pokémon that helped fight evil but he persisted that we fight together - and I was overwhelmed but welcomed his love when I lost everything" Ash said.

"Oh Ash..." Serena said and gave him a hug.

"Serena... you must keep this a secret until Ash uses me. We have to keep his status low otherwise Team Zion will start targeting my children from time and space to alter the past" Arceus said.

"Don't worry, I will do anything for Ash" Serena said.

"Ah, young love truly is beautiful" Arceus said, "May you two always love each other - and become idols to the world" Arceus said.

"Anyways - Serena, I assume that you know what this means" Ash asked but Serena shook her head.

"Very well, Ash Ketchum here is the Chosen One. I have chosen him and so has Lucia and Ho-oh. Ho-Oh chose him on the day he started his journey 7 years ago. And I have never agreed quicker to make him the Chosen One and seeing your bond with Chosen and your love for Pokémon - among the legendaries - you will be the special one" Arceus said looking at Serena.

"Wow... I am honoured" Serena said holding her hands by Ash's ribbon.

"Anyways, Ash I'll leave you guys be to enjoy your day but remember you are ready! Believe in yourself" Arceus said and he disappeared in a ball of light which went into Ash's watch.

Serena was stunned and sat down next to Ash. "Well that was something" Serena said looking over Alola islands.

"My special one!" Ash said smiling. Serena blushed.

"That's my fifth, Serena. But this is to be kept quiet for a few weeks or whenever I feel ready to reveal it" Ash said looking deep into Serena's eyes.

"Yes, Ash!" Serena said and leaned in for a kiss - which lasted quite a while before both of them gasping for air.

Chapter done! Hope you liked it!

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