twenty three

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[teasing and pancakes]

Sunday 8:38 am

Rolling to my side, my eyes fluttered open to see a snoring Chris three inches from my face. Looking down at myself, I was in his shirt, but I knew nothing had happened last night. I mean I wasn't sure if I was exactly relieved, because there was that part of me that wanted something to happen.

I caught myself distracted from my own thoughts as I began to focus on his face. This was the only time I could take in how breathtaking he was without him catching him. As creepy as this sounded, I had the purest intentions.

His light brown hair was tousled into a mess of strands going in every direction. His face was glowing with the perfect hint of warm pigment on his light skin. His round eyes were shut with his long brown lashes slightly fluttering. I could see the dark blue/purple outline around his eye. Although his face was smushed against the pillow, his jaw line was still prominent. My eyes moved down to his plump, deep pink lips that had a natural pout while he slept.

Chris was wrapped in his white duvet that I was also under. I had never seen this coming; him and I in the same bed, alone 3 inches from each other. Smiling at the thought of him, even though he was right beside me, I thought of what he had said in that voicemail. I wasn't even sure if he had knew that he had left me them, however rather than showing him, I decided to keep them as my little gem and possibly receipts if he ever tried anything on me.

I then began thinking of how badly I just wanted to crash my lips against his. It made me think of all the missed opportunities and ever since the first time we had kissed, I knew this was now an addiction, he was my addiction. Biting down on my lip, I didn't know whether to leave him and just waking him with my lips on his. I knew he wouldn't mind it, but was it right if he was sleeping?

Fuck it.

I inched my face closer and closer to his slowly. I could feel the air he was breathing in and out brush against my face. His chest was  rising and falling in sync with the breaths he took. He was so peaceful. Who knew Chris Schistad could actually look pure. But the more and more my eyes began to fixated on his lips, the innocence once held to him had now vanished.

Without anymore deliberation, I gently pressed my lips on his soft ones. I then slowly moved my head up, to see him still fast asleep except this time with the tiniest smirk on his face. With that, I put my lips back onto his, this time feeling him kiss me back even though he was still in his sleep. What had surprised me even more was the fact that he was still asleep. Maybe I wasn't the only girl who had pulled this on Chris.

I placed my hands on his face, cupping his cheeks, using my thumbs to lightly massage the upper part of his full cheeks. Catching me out of nowhere, I felt his hands tug on my leg to put it on the other side of him, so that I was sitting on top of him. This time, he felt more awake and responsive. His hands had gripped my thighs and I smiled against his lips.

I pulled away now looking to see him awake.

"You just couldn't keep your hands off of me huh? I don't blame you. I tend to have that effect on women." Chris' groggy, deep morning voice teased me and I was just feeling more turned on at this point.

"It was just my way of saying good morning, so if you didn't like it, I can just-" I paused as I began to take myself off of his body, but then he stopped me.

"Who said I didn't like it?" He quickly added, doing that thing where his tongue brushed over his bottom lip that formed half smile.

"Is that so?" I asked him, playing dumb and not knowing if I was sounding flat out stupid or somewhat sexy.

insane // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now