twenty six

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[we can't just be friends]

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3 weeks later

Tuesday 7:45 am

I sped out the door, throwing my bag over my shoulders, rushing to get myself to school. I had overslept, so all I could do was roll out of bed and get straight to school. My hair had was thrown in a braid at least, but I was still in the sweats and sweatshirt I had gone to bed in. It wasn't like I had been dressing up for school anyways, but I knew sweatpants would make the girls think this was another low.

Within 10 minutes I made it to school, taking breaks jogging and walking. Thankfully I had made it inside the school 10 minutes before my first class. I was in hopes in not seeing the girls today too. I was fine, but they were all being so over cautious in looking after, because of the Chris thing. That happened weeks ago and if anything I just wanted to forget about it. I wanted to go back to normal.

Punching in my code to my locker, I pulled out my books for my first class, Math, with Eva. My hands were full of my books, and so I shut the door with my shoulder and sped to my class. As I walked in Eva was sat playing on her phone, and her bag on the seat next to her.

"Thanks for saving me a seat. I slept in." I sighed, finally catching my breath.

"You're getting enough sleep right?" Eva asked, with a look of concern on her face and I rolled my eyes.

"Eva. I'm fine. I promise. I just want all of you and us to go back to normal." I explained to her, while getting myself situated in my seat.

"I swear if you're lying and bottling it in, I'm gonna kill you Saskia." Eva raised her eyebrows at me, finally dropping it.

"I'm good and you will not have to kill me." I grinned at her.

"Good, because I hate seeing sad Saskia." She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight.

I hated sad Saskia too.

And with that class began.


11:53 am

I watched as Noora made her way over to our table, taking the open seat right across from me. The girls and I were in the middle of a debate arguing about some buss stuff. Well it was more of Sana and Vilde's fight with the rest of us chiming in the lighten up the mood a little bit. I bit into one of my sliced apples I had packed and Noora began unpacking her lunch, turning to me to fill her in on what the fuss was about.

"What is it this time?" Noora rolled her eyes, while taking the lid off the container with her veggie pasta.

"The theme we want for our buss." I groaned, getting a laugh out of Noora.

"You're good right? I know you hate me asking, but I want to make sure you know I'm here, always." She squeezed my arm, getting me to smile.

"I really am getting over it. In a way, I'm realizing what I didn't really like about him. The bad outweighed the good." I shrugged, not even feeling bad admitting it. If anything it felt good. I just hoped it was really that and not me convincing myself otherwise.

"I don't know if the bad necessarily-" Noora began, but was quickly interrupted from finishing her thoughts by Vilde.

"Noora! Explain to Sana that I will not be returning the decorations I put towards the buss since I can't get a refund." Vilde whined and Noora was dragged into mediate.

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