Chapter Four: A Walk In The Moonlight

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I drove the SUV over to the familiar house, which was actually mine.

"Wait...I got kicked out of my own house..?" I said while coming to realization.

Eh, I'd rather not try and explain to Monika how I own the house. I waited in my car outside my house trying to figure out what to do.

Suddenly a small girl walked out of the house and began to walk down the sidewalk.

"That's...that's Natsuki..." I said.

I got out of my car and began to follow Natsuki.

"Where the bloody hell is she going?" I asked myself.

I pursued Natsuki at a safe distance. Every now and then she would look behind her. Luckily I would always find cover right before she saw me.

"Heh, looks like my NWG training is paying off again." I said chuckling to myself.

I followed Natsuki until she walked through a small forest and came to a small pond.

She sat down on the ground and picked up some rocks. She threw them into the pond.

I watched as she threw the rocks and she'd only get the rock to skip once before it went straight into the water.

It seemed that Natsuki began to sing a song.

"And so it is... just like you said it would be. Life goes easy on me...most, of the time." She sang in a low voice.

I slowly crept up next to her and grabbed a rock.

"You gotta get one that's flat on the bottom and throw it like a frisbee." I said.

I threw a pebble into the pond and Natsuki watched in awe as the stone skipped above the water.

"S-spencer...?" Natsuki said surprised.

"That's me." I said in an upbeat voice.

Natsuki jumped up to her feet and tackled me. I fell on my back while Natsuki layed on top of me.

"Where did you go?! Where?! Damn it I missed idiot! Why did you leave me?!" Natsuki said while halfway crying and halfway happy.

It was so cute seeing her act like this, however she was hugging me so damn tight that it was almost hard to breathe.

"I...I missed you too Natsuki... but I'm gonna be a gone again if you don't loosen your grip on me." I said while struggling to breathe.

Natsuki got off on me and sat on her knees.

"S-Sorry..." Natsuki said apologetically.

Natsuki apologized to me? That's odd...

"Okay the real Natsuki would never apologize to me...who are you and what did you do with my favorite cute manga loving girl?" I asked sarcastically.

"I-I'm not cute!" Natsuki yelled while she dropped her fist on my thigh.

"There's the Natsuki I know and love." I said while chuckling.

"L-Love...?" Natsuki said.

I sat up and looked at Natsuki.

"Anyway I missed you Natsuki, and I have one more important thing to tell you..." I said.


"I'm retired from the NWG...I'm free." I said.

Natsuki's facial expression almost seemed to glow as she jumped up in excitement.

" you'll never have to leave ever again...?" Natsuki asked.

"Never again Natsuki." I said.

I stood up next to Natsuki and she looked up at me.

"The moonlight sure is pretty the way it hits the pond." I said.

" reminds me of one of those cheesy romance movies where the two lovers dance under the moonlight and then they..."

"Would you like to dance with me?" I asked, interrupting Natsuki.

"E-eh?!" She said embarrassed.

"You never got to go to prom back in your game, maybe this could be your dance you never got?" I said.

"I'd...I'd like that." Natsuki said.

I reached my hand out and Natsuki placed hers on top of mine.

I reached my arm around her back and pulled her towards my chest.

She looked up at me somewhat embarrassed and I grinned at her.

I began swaying side to side with Natsuki, trying my best to follow a steady pace.

I began to actually dance with Natsuki, twirling her around. There was a smile across her face the entire time. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

I placed my arm around Natsuki's back again and leaned her back with my face in front of hers.

She blushed when she realized that our faces we're just inches apart.

Natsuki closed her eyes and parted her lips.

I leaned my head in and layed a smooth kiss on Natsuki's lips.

And there we stood, under the moonlight and millions of stars, kissing one of the prettiest girls of my dreams.

I tried to pull away that way I wouldn't drag out the kiss but Natsuki placed her hands on my cheeks, holding me there for a extra few seconds.

She let go of me and looked at me blushing. I looked deeply into her pink eyes while she looked back into my brown ones.

"I...I never want this to end." Natsuki said.

"Me either...I missed you too much..." I said.

I let go of Natsuki and she stood next to me.

" you want to go home?" Natsuki said.

"Yeah I need to talk to you about that..." I said.

"Why? What's going on?" Natsuki asked.

"I tried to come back yesterday...and Monika was pissed..." I said.

"That explains a lot. When I got back yesterday, Monika was swaying back and forth on the couch saying 'what have I done' and 'I didn't mean it.' I think she was actually crying as well." She said.

"Yeah she said some...personal things..." I said.


"Just...personal things. Anyway you ready to go?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah...look I can sneak you in my room if you want..." Natsuki said softly.

I found it funny how I needed to sneak into my own house, but like I said before. I don't wanna pour gas on that fire. SPEAKING OF FIRE.

"I'd appreciate that..." I said.

Natsuki walked awkwardly close to me and I soon realized what she was doing.

I grabbed her hand with mine and we interlaced our fingers.

Me and Natsuki walked back home holding hands. I'm going back to the place where I belong.


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