Chapter Five: The Hearts Of Men

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On the walk home I looked up at the stars. It was almost as if someone was watching over me.

Was it this my reward...?

"Thank you Odysseus..." I said out loud.

"Hm?" Natsuki said confused.

"Oh nothing...just talking to myself." I said.

"You've been away too long then." Natsuki said while giggling. "Is the loneliness getting the better of you?"

"N-No...I'm fine.." I said, trying to defend myself.

Natsuki gave me a doubting look and then smirked at me. We soon came to the outside of my house and we snuck around back.

"I sneak out all the time, but this is gonna be tough..." Natsuki said while pointing at the balcony, with was about 7 feet high.

"Yeah, here I'll lift you over to the balcony and you climb up." I said.

I cupped my hands together and Natsuki put her foot in them. I lifted Natsuki up into the air while she climbed over the balcony.

Unfortunately Natsuki was wearing a small skirt at the time, so when I lifted her over my head, when I looked up I could see everything.

"A-Are you up yet?!" I asked. embarrassed.

"Yeah, why?" Natsuki asked confused.

I took a couple steps back. I ran towards the wall at top speed and ran up it. I reached my hands into the air, just barely grabbing the rail of the balcony.

I climbed over the balcony and saw Natsuki standing there with her arms crossed.

"I know what you did... pervert." She said in a sarcastic voice.

"I uh...uh..." I tried to get words out but Natsuki just smiled at me and grabbed my hand. She practically drug me into her room.

It looked like she remodeled while I was gone. The walls were pink and there was a mounted TV on the wall. Her bed was up against the wall and she had two massive bean bags in the corner of her room.

"Woah..." I said.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"Yeah, it really suits you." I said while chuckling.

"Heeeey what's that supposed to mean?" Natsuki said while punching my forearm.

She closed the door behind us and locked the door, that way the other girls wouldn't walk in on us.

I sat down on one of the massive bean bags and let out a satisfying groan.

"Ugh it feels good to be home." I said.

"Yeah, it's good to have you back..." Natsuki said softly.

"What was that?" I asked.


Natsuki turned on the TV and as you guessed, it was an anime.

It was about a guy who suddenly gets put into a different dimension and everytime he dies, his day starts over. I don't remember the name of it...but I think the character was named after a car.

"Did...did they just kill a space whale?" I asked.

"Yep." Natsuki said.


A guy with a sword killed a space whale with his sword and it fell to the ground. The man stood on top of the whale and called out his love for his wife, who was killed by said space whale.

"If someone killed you Natsuki...I'd do the same thing." I said.

" wouldn't go through that much trouble would you?"

"I'd die trying."

Natsuki got all flustered and looked towards the wall. I reached my hand out and pinched her cheek gently.

"Ugh I'm tired..." I said while stretching my arms into the air.

"Y-Yeah...I guess so..." Natsuki said.

I leaned my head against Natsuki's wall while I fell asleep on top of her bean bag, which was surprisingly quite comfortable.

"H-Hey!" Natsuki said angrily.

"What?" I said confused.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Trying to sleep?"

"L-Lay on my bed..."

"But where will you sleep?"

"Next to you..."

I could tell that Natsuki was trying hard to maintain a serious tone, but her embarrassment got the better of her.

"It's because I don't want you to crush me bean bag! Not because I like you!" Natsuki said.

I gave Natsuki a doubting look but soon gave in. I stood up slowly and walked over to Natsuki's bed.

I layed down on my back and stared at the ceiling. Natsuki got in bed next to me.

"This bed sure is comfortable when you have someone... important next to you..." Natsuki said softly.

"Yeah... especially when it's someone you care about." I said.

Natsuki got flustered and looked over at her wall.

"G-goodnight...when I wake up you better still be in my bed." Natsuki said a little insecurely.

"I promise..." I said. Hopefully Natsuki isn't a really late sleeper.

I began to close my eyes until I felt something move close to me. Natsuki was now resting her head on my arm with her arm around my chest, holding me close while she slept.

"Heh heh...she's so cute..." I said softly.

"I'" Natsuki said annoyed while halfway asleep.

I closed my eyes and I was on the all too familiar white platform. I looked around and saw the familiar Angel.

She was wearing her typical white robe with golden hair. I was sitting on a small stool like always while she approached me.

"Haha you two are so cute together." Odysseus said while rubbing the top of my head.

"Is my Gaurdian Angel jealous?" I said sarcastically.

"Maybe...anyway I never got to congratulate you on defeating LFS." She said.

"LFS? The hell is LFS?" I said confused.

"O-Oh sorry, I meant to say TFS. I've been watching over Noah too much..." Odysseus said to herself.

"Who's Noah?" I asked.

I've never met someone named Noah...who was Odysseus talking about.

"J-Just an acquaintance..." Odysseus said embarrassed.

"L-Look anyway just, keep up the good work...and try not to die." Odysseus said.

"I'll try my best..." I said.

"I'll be with you, just always follow your heart."

"Thank you Odysseus."

"Until we meet again Spencer."

A dark wave come over my face as I began to wake up. I looked around Natsuki's room to see that it was morning.

The sunlight shined through Natsuki's pink curtains, and onto my face.

"Well...I survived through the night..." I said.


It Was A Good Day (A DDLC Fanfic Continuation of "That's Amore")Where stories live. Discover now