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I watch Monica's perfect back end enter the shower and then step in after her. I still can't believe it was my idea to shower together. I've never showered with anyone in my entire fucking life, not even to fuck them.  I've had sex loads of times in pools, hot tubs, public places but not my personal shower.  You know, my shower, the place I scrub the feeling of being touched away in and where I drown myself in self-loathing, quite literally.

I close me eyes while blowing out a deep breath as the hot water runs over my skin. The sensation is more than welcoming because I can't even remember the last time I've even taken a shower. I feel a set of hands on my chest which makes my eyes jerk open. The minute I look down at her she slowly pulls them away.

Her eyes flutter up at me as we stand underneath the water together. Her wavy hair begins to flatten as the water soaks every inch of her olive skin. Shes got no make-up, no nothing on. She's completely fucking naked and she's completely fucking beautiful.

And you're just staring at her like an idiot when she just asked you to fuck her.

I'm pulled out of my internal scolding the moment Monica turns around but not before she gives me a mischievous smirk. She puts both hands on the wall in front of her, wiggling her perfect little round ass back at me. My cock is stiff as board just at the sight. I could stare at that ass all day.

I wonder if maybe she'd let me fuck that perfect backside one day? Anal isn't really my thing but every part of this woman is exquisitely fuckable. Every. Single. Part.

I begin to move toward her but realize I don't like the fact that I can't see her face. For some unknown reason I want to watch every little fuckable expression she makes, because it's a guarantee that no one else will ever pleasure her like me and I want to watch. I want to implant every little torturously seductive glance I give her to memory.

"Turn around." My voice is husky as hell right now. I can practically feel my inner lion pacing around in my head. 

"What?" Monica cocks her head over her shoulder at me questioningly. 

"I said, turn around." That came out like a growl. I fucking growled at her, like a damn dog. Monica straightens herself and reverses her position so that she's facing me instead of the back of the shower stall. Much better. "You're so fucking beautiful."          

What planet have I landed on? The one where I'm apparently a lion-dog who is now handing out compliments and showering with people. What in the actual fuck? I'm just going to chalk it up to the possibility that there's amphetamines still coursing through me.

"I know."  She smirks back at me and I realize my personality is clearly rubbing off on her. Among other things. At least she's not a lion-dog yet.

I growl at her again but this time it's playfully and at her arrogance. I pull her into me, kissing her deeply beneath the warm water. I feel her hands press against my abdomen, feeling the taught muscles I have there. She runs her fingers over each well-defined one until she splays her hands on my pectorals. I almost freeze as I feel the darkness begin to creep up my spine. 

Nope. Fuck that. Not today demons, not today.

While kissing her hungrily, I jerk up each of her legs around my waist and slam her against the back of the shower. She lets out a series of slightly pained noises as I quickly thrust into her. Fuck, she feels amazing. I thrust into her again, harder this time, making her throw her head against the back of the shower. She's so tight, so fucking wet and I can feel it so much more because it's so much fucking better without anything between us.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ➀Where stories live. Discover now