Your Ways

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Kaia awoke with a start in T'Challa's bed. Shrugging herself awake she sat up and began looking for her phone when she heard a commotion outside the door. "Okoye, I just want to see her," T'Challa insisted, "T'Challa with all do respect," Okoye started.
"Yes with respect and much admiration for the fact you could kill me or have my mother kill me, Okoye I just want to see her!" T'Challa barged into the room rushing up to the bed when he saw Kaia awake. "Okoye call the doctor, she's awake!" T'Challa yelled, " oh I was so worried you've been out for hours Kaia, I thought I was gonna lose you." You smiled a pressed a light kiss to his head where it rested in your lap.
"You can't lose me that easily." You smiled, " but what happened Challa?
Your scooted over making room for him on the bed. He pulled you into his side and rubbed circles on your arm. " Your Mother told you, you are Wakandan and you had a panic attack." He glanced down worry etched all over his face.
"I'm Wakandan," you smiled, " does this mean I could be your Queen with less hassle?" You joked.
"He smiled and kissed you're forehead, " I guess so." Running his hands across your back he suddenly flipped you both over. "As my Queen," he smirked as he kissed along your neck and jaw line leaving little marks that would bruise in the morning. As soon as he leaned in to your lips,someone cleared their throat. "Your highness?" You both looked up. You quickly blushed when you noticed the crowd that had assembled. Your mother stood next to the Queen with linked arms both fighting the urge to smile and laugh. Your friends made no attempt at all to hide their amusement. Neither did Okoye for that matter.
T'Challa gracefully rolled off the bed and looked at the doctor. "Yes ma'am ?."
"Seeing as Lady Anderson is up I would like to complete a final exam. Then you can resume your activities." The female doctor smirked.
"If that's all then doctor," T'Challa smiled. He turned and kissed her forehead, " we'll finish this later," he smirked. Kaia blushed as he kissed his mother then walked out of the room.
So Ms. Anderson, your vitals look good. You're all good to go. And Strenuous activity is fine. I'll see you for your check up later this year." Kaia blushed profusely, "Thank you Dr.Sijekula," She nodded and walked out.
Queen Ramonda was the first person to walk through the door. Kaia quickly got up and started to bow, " Your majesty,"
She held out her hand. , " Dear you'll be Queen soon enough, there's no need. But I do believe there's some answers your mother and I owe you. Please follow me." The Queen grabbed her hand and they walked down the hall together.
Out of Nowhere Kaia's mother grabbed her other hand and joined the group.
"Kai baby, the queen and I were best friends when we were younger. We were inseparable. I lived in the palace with Ramonda. And when she married the king I married your father."
Queen Ramonda grabbed your mother's hand.
"Those were the good old days. Your mother was overjoyed when we got pregnant together. She and I planned a joint nursery, " wait," you interrupted, " you were pregnant at the same time? But T'Challa  and I are two years apart."
The Queen sighed and pulled your mother closer. "There was another baby, a son before you were born Kaia." She smiled sadly.
"He was stillborn Kaia, I felt ashamed at not being able to protect my own son in my own body. When I found out I was pregnant again I had a vision. Bast herself came to me. She knew I wanted a healthy baby, but I really wanted a healthy baby girl. So your father and I made a deal. In order to ensure your safety, I let you become a daughter of Bast. Oh it was a great honor, but we had to give up one thing we both loved in life, your father and I. We had to give up Wakanda. We had to raise you out of the country by orders of the goddess herself.
It was for your protection. Until the signs of you being a daughter were completely gone. Ramonda and Tchaka got your father and I well paying jobs in Atlanta. And there we stayed until you with our prodding or forcing, found the prince and charmed him on your own." She looked at you waiting for your reaction. "Ok. So I'm trying to understand but what exactly does that mean for me?" You asked.
Ramonda walked you to a chair. "Each time a male heir is born, twelve babygirls are chosen within two years of is birth. Bast takes over the mother's pregnancy and they must each leave the country. Each little girl is made differently. Focusing on the different things the future king may need. Sometimes the King finds a spouse and doesn't need the goddesses intervention so the girls live a happy life never knowing their potential. Sometimes, like in your case, the girl is exactly what that king needs whether any of us know it or not. So Bast makes sure the girl finds him and woos him. And more often than not, she becomes queen. But because that's are chosen, that means your specialties will start manifesting themselves. Each daughter is given two specialities. One for aiding the king, another for pure entertainment of herself and her people. A source of pride if you will. Now we just have to find yours." She smiled.
Your mother searched your eyes, " how are you holding up sweetheart?"
"I'm fine it's just a lot to take in. But it's. Nice to know I'm just what T'Challa wants and needs.  But also curious as to what makes me different from the rest. Why me?"  You ask.
"I don't know, but if you were made for T'Challa, I think I have an idea of onenfnyur specialties. This will require the help of my son. And some more "strenuous" activity." You blushed and the queen and your mother walked ahead laughing.
So it is 1 am and I just finished this. It was supposed to be a Saturday post, but oh well. I guess you'll get two  Sunday updates. See you later today. And yes I know I switched POV halfway through so yeah. I'm tired so I'll fix it soon. Sorry!

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now