Honey Moon Ave.

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Your back hit the wall as you wrapped your arms around T'Challa's neck pulling yourself closer. You wound your fingers into his hair as he pulled your hips towards him. He recaptured your lips in his. A sudden urgency filled the kiss as you sat in a back hallway outside of the reception. Your lips fought his for dominance as his tongue begged for entrance into our mouth. You grinned into the kiss before parting your lips.
Suddenly you felt yourself being dragged from T'Challa's arms as he stood there disheveled and bewildered. Aaliyah loosened her grip on your forearm as you walk away with her. You tried to catch your breath as you smiled apologetically at T'Challa.
"Sorry to interrupt your majesty but I need to borrow your queen for a second. She'll be back soon," Aaliyah called over her shoulder as you met Shuri, Sydney, and Maia down the hall.
"You've only been married for five minutes and you're already sneaking off to make out," Maia scolded playfully as you neared the room.
"Isn't all that supposed to end after the honeymoon phase of dating? You've got a lifetime together for heavens sake," Sydney joked as you walked into the room.

Yes we do," you smiled as you walked behind the curtain to undress, " and we intend to make the most of that life time. Starting tonight." You smirked vivaciously pointing at your friends as you poked your head from around the curtain.
"He already knocked you up. What more is there to prove," Shuri yelled from the bathroom.
Everyone laughed as you slipped into your replacement dress. " Can someone zip me up?" You yelled from behind the curtain.
"Sure," Sydney said as she stepped through the curtains.
As she finished zipping the dress you did a quick turn. "How do I look?" You grinned as you stepped from behind the curtain.

"Let's just say, I wonder how well the king begs," the room erupted with laughter as everyone touched up their makeup and changes clothes

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"Let's just say, I wonder how well the king begs," the room erupted with laughter as everyone touched up their makeup and changes clothes.
"Everybody ready?" Maia says as she grabs the door handle. You all nod as you head back to the party.
As you walk down the hall you spot T'Challa talking to Queen Mother, you walk over and wrap your hand in his. You begin to bow before the former queen stops you. "A Queen never bows to anyone but her husband," she gently reprimands you as you smile. You rise quickly as it all hits you. You're the Queen now. "Weisbini," you smile as you walk into her arms.
"Oh my baby girl," she smiles wrapping her arms around you. "I am so honored that you decided to wear my dress on your wedding day," she said as she pulled back slightly.
You blushed. "It's a beautiful gown, I just couldn't resist. You've made me feel so welcomed and loved since I stepped foot in this Palace, I couldn't think of a better way to try to repay you for all of your kindness." You blushed as you stepped back into T'Challa's embrace. "I can think of no way to ever express how much you mean to me Kaia, take care of her my son. And that child of yours. May Bast grant us a son." Queen Mother smiled before walking away.
"She knows?" T'Challa asked as he pulled you close to his chest.
"Yes besides the doctor, she and my mother were first to know," you sighed falling into his chest.
"Was I last?" He asked lifting your chin to meet his eyes. As he searched your face you could see the hurt cross his face.
You sighed and looked back down, " Yes, yes you were," You looked up at T'Challa's face as pain settled in his eyes, "not because of anything you did though, it's because I was stupid. You should have been the first to know or at least the second."
He looked down, " you mean my sister knew before me?" He asked clearly offended.
"Yes," you mumbled. You could not bear to witness the hurt you were causing him.
"Why?" He whispered pulling away. You waved the herald away before pulling T'Challa into another room.
"I told you last because I was afraid of what you would think of me, that I wasn't responsible and didn't use protection or that you wouldn't want this child, or a pregnant me anymore. I thought you'd leave me and I didn't want to lose you. It's selfish I know, but I was petrified. I couldn't sleep or eat, that's how nervous I was. I told your mother and mine together because I didn't know what to do. I broke down crying infront of them and let everything spill. I thought you wouldn't want to marry me and the people of Wakanda would reject me. Or that maybe the king couldn't marry a pregnant unwed woman or something." You were on the verge of tears as you told T'Challa everything.
He stood at the window with his back to you silently. You sighed and wiped your face before deciding to walk for the door. "I'll leave you alone," you whispered hand on the knob. You couldn't help the tears that fell down your face as you turned the knob.
"Kaia, wait," he called. He walked over and pulled you into his arms. You let the tears fall as he held you tight. He pulled away slightly and wiped your tears with his thumbs. He kissed you lightly. "I'm only going to say this once woman," he said, " I'm not going anywhere, without you by my side. Understand?" He asked. You nodded your head yes as he wrapped one arm around your waist pulling you in for a passionate kiss. "I'm sorry," you whispered as he pulled out of the kiss. "Kaia, you're stuck with me for life, you've been stuck with me since before I proposed, please don't ever be afraid I'm going to leave you, because I'm not. We are in this together, for better or for worse ok? We will get through anything. I love you and this child," he placed one hand on your stomach. You nodded again before he planted a butterfly kiss on your lips.
He kissed both cheeks, your forehead, and your nose, causing you to giggle as he grabbed your hand. "Did I tell you you look ravishing?" He raised his eyebrow as you walked back towards the grand ballroom. You nodded at the herald before allowing T'Challa to hold your waist.
"No I don't think so," you pretended to think as he kissed the side of your forehead.
"Well you look ravishing," he smirked as the doors opened wide.
"Presenting Their Majesties King T'Challa and Queen Kaia Udaku!" applause spread around the room as you both walked to the top of the stairs. As you stood at the top of the stairs T'Challa leaned down to your ear. "I hope you're not too fond of that dress," he murmured. "I wore it for you," you replied as you descended the stairs together.
"Good, I love that dress. But you won't need. It anymore after this party," You grinned as you continued down the stairs with your new husband.

So what'd you guys think? I mean I didn't think it would come so soon that T'Challa would find out so soon that he was the last to know, but I feel like we all knew it would hurt his feelings at some point. Comment if you catch the Bruno Mars reference. I love you guys! Thanks for all the love. And votes and read. Comment what you want to see next!

Additional note (03/20/18):
Sorry to those of you quick and early( within five minutes of posting) readers, I usually reread my chapter before I post it but I didn't this time and I noticed a bunch of typos. Sorry again!

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now